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Reborn In a Murderer’s Embrace (Dexter) novel Chapter 168

Chapter 168 

Oh, the irony

Look, I’ve gotta run; I’m not in the mood for your BS,I said, eager to hang up the phone and end the absurd conversation


You really think I don’t have evidence of your ties to the murderer, Foebe? Just wait, I’ll drag down with me even if it’s the last thing I do,Melody hissed, her voice seething with malice. Don’t get too smug. I’ve helped Dexter before, and for old time’s sake, he’ll take care 

of me.” 

He won’t leave me for you. You’re just a passing fancy to him,” Melody continued, fooling no one but herself

Oh wow, good for you. Good luck with that,I said with a smirk

With that, I hung up the phone

I had plans for Melody, plans to make her life miserable, every waking moment filled with dread and suspicion. But there was no need to rush

Revenge is a dish best served cold, and I intended to cook Melody slowly, letting her feel the torment I had endured a hundredfold

Mr. Caleb sure does adore his wife. He’s been fasting all day, just waiting for her. He won’t touch a bite until she comes home.” 

I overheard the babysitters gossiping as I descended the stairs

They were talking about Colin, how he hadn’t eaten since breakfast, waiting for me. He had been waiting all through the noon and hadn’t stopped

I sighed as I stepped out of the Langley estate

Why was Colin so adamant about waiting for me

What was I to him, really

Hey, James, sorry to hit you up out of the blue. I’ve got some questions about our school days that I need to ask you for work,I said, calling James as soon as I was outside

I wanted to start digging into the past to uncover what really happened at the orphanage

Sure thing. Let’s meet at the Corner Café,I said after he agreed

Stepping out of the Langley estate, I hailed a cab

As soon as I got in, I glanced in the rearview mirror and noticed a black car trailing me

Driver, take the next left,” I instructed, trying to shake the tail

Chapter 168 

The car behind us took the same left

Now, make a right,I directed again

The car continued to follow

I randomly picked a spot to stop, and the car stopped nearby

Clearly, someone was tracking me

I didn’t head straight to the Corner Café, not wanting to drag James into whatever this was, especially since he, too, was from the orphanage

Though his number was way down the list, it would take some time for the murderer to reach 


After getting out of the cab, I pretended to touch up my makeup, stealthily surveying the 



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