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Reborn In a Murderer’s Embrace (Dexter) novel Chapter 211

Chapter 211 

Got any dirt for me?I said with a halfsmirk

I needed the connections just as much as Melody did. Better to strike first than to take the hits. With Dexter laid up, it was my chance to solidify Colin’s standing in the Langley Group. Otherwise, we’d be sitting ducks. Although it felt like someone had my back, cutting ties with Henry and his son left me feeling like I was walking on eggshells in the Langley family

Melody was clearly reluctant

If you don’t want to talk, fine by me.I headed for the door

I found outthe president of AllStars Consortium will be at a charity gala in Sea City on the first of next month. It’s a fundraiser for orphanages, organized by the local chamber of commerce.Melody’s grip on my wrist tightened. That’s all I know. The guy’s a legend in the business world, untouchable. Nobody dares cross him. We each fend for ourselves, butdon’t ruin my chances.” 

Her voice was shaky. She was afraid I’d play dirty

Ha, you think you’ll even make it to next month?I shrugged off her hand, How much faith do you have in that face of yours? You think every man has the same blind spot as Dexter? A man at the helm of AllStars Consortium isn’t just high status he’s not going to be some young stud. I heard he’s a septuagenarian, and you’re ready to swallow your pride for that? Brutal.” 

My gaze on Melody was dripping with sarcasm

Apart from her beauty, she didn’t seem to have any other tricks up her sleeve. Getting into the Fitzgerald Group as Dexter’s secretary certainly wasn’t because of her qualifications

A mythical figure like the president of AllStars Consortium falling for Melody? Surely he wouldn’t be as indiscriminate as Dexter

Foebe Larson!Melody clung to my wrist in panic, Help me out. If I can get in with the president of AllStars Consortium, I can help you too. Just keep me safe.” 

Dexter’s not dead yet. How heartbroken would he be to find out you’re hunting for a new man before he’s even cold?” I asked sharply

Melody clenched her teeth, Don’t slander me. I’m doing this for Dexter. Getting in with the president of AllStars Consortium could be good for him too.” 

I was tired of her nonsense. Want my protection? Okay, but like I said, kneel.” 

I was already halfway down the hallway. Melody intended to do it without any other people’s presence; proved she’d go to any length

Don’t kneel here. When you made Phoebe do that, there was quite an audience in that hospital. room.I scoffed. settling down next to Colin, If you’re going to kneel, do it here.” 

Chapter 211 

Melody glared at me with venom in her eyes, wishing she could tear me apart. She knew I was humiliating her

Colin, ever so obedient, sat on the bench, relieved when I returned and took my hand, Phoebe, she’s not worth your time.” 

I smiled at Colin, She won’t do it. Let’s head home.” 


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