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Reborn In a Murderer’s Embrace (Dexter) novel Chapter 216

Chapter 216 

Stella and I stood there, mouths agape, as Colin delivered a verbal smackdown that was nothing short of epic

Finn stiffened for a moment before turning to Colin with a smirk, Oh, isn’t thismy old pal? Released from the loony bin? Still as uncouth as ever I wonder how your folks let a lunatic like you run loose.” 

The animosity between Finn and Colin was palpable. He deliberately mentioned parents to get under Colin’s skin

Everyone knew about Colin’s his father’s fatal car accident, his mother’s unknown fate, and his abandonment at the doorstep of an orphanage as a child

You’ve got quite the mouth on you. Must’ve grown up all by yourself, huh?” I frowned. This guy didn’t have any manners at all Did he even have parents

Finn’s eyes darkened as he fixed his gaze on me, deep and probing

After a moment, he chuckled. Ah…maybe I should call you Caleb Langley now, you’re still the same, addicted to collection.” 

Clearly, he was mocking the resemblance I bore to Phoebe

Everyone out,on the hospital bed, Dexter’s pallor was off, and he motioned for us to leave

Finn glanced back at Dexter, Mr. Fitzgerald, you rest up. I’ll swing by when you’re feeling 


As he walked out, he paused deliberately in front of me, You do look remarkably like Phoebe.” 

He thought that would get to me, that it was all intentional. But he didn’t realize that I was, in fact, Phoebe

I furrowed my brow. You know Phoebe?” 

Finn was from the Genius Class, Colin’s classmate, and it had slipped my mind. Now, I was starting to piece together that the memories I’d lost were all connected to Colin. I had forgotten Colin and all of his friends

Of course. All the guys in our dorm knew Phoebe. After all, Colin used to sleep with a photo of her crystal clear.Finn’s gaze shifted to Colin, Too bad the photo got torn up by them, though. They say tearing up photos brings bad luck, and look Phoebe’s supposedly dead.” 

Don’t repeat the same mistake,Finn warned again

Colin, who had been holding back, got furious through Finn’s provocation. He charged forward, shoving Finn against the wall with a glare thick with rage. You’re going to die.” 

Am I on the hit list for a serial murderer now? Great, I’ll be waiting.Finn scoffed, Let’s see if a genius who’s entered the Genius Class with a full mark can take me out.” 


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Pushing Colin off, he straightened his clothes and walked away

Stunned, I looked down at the slip of paper that had found its way into my hand during the commotion Finn had slipped it to me on the sly

What was he trying to tell me in secret

That night. I hid in the shadows, hoping to see if Melody could lure out the murderer. But Dorian showed up, intent on killing Melody. I stepped in to stop him and got stabbed,Dexter finally spoke, his words meant for Robin

He trusted Robin more than any unknown investigator

DexterRobin was about to say something, only to be interrupted by Melody’s sobs

Her wrist was bandaged as she leaned on Hailey, entering the hospital room

Dexter, Melody’s a good girl. Sheshe tried to take her own life out of love for you, but I found her in time.Hailey sighed, Now that Phoebe is gone, nothing can be changed. I won’t pressure. you anymore. If you want to take responsibility for Melody, then marry her.” 


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