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Reclaiming the CEO's Heart novel Chapter 50

Chapter 50 Unlocking Your Potential for Success

The atmosphere of sadness struck again, and Isabella angrily cursed, "Why isn't Layla, that home-wrecker, the one who died?"

"It's fate. Maybe it's because my baby missed me too much. Don't be sad. Just think of me as finishing the race first. Take your time," Avery said, trying to break the somber mood.

To lighten the mood, Avery joked, "When I die, you can burn more paper money for me. Consider it an early investment. I'll work hard in the underworld, and when you come, we can divide the riches. As soon as you die, you'll have billions of underworld currency. You'll become the richest woman in the underworld and have ten or eight little ghosts to massage and serve you. Doesn't that make you feel better?"

Isabella chuckled through her tears, "Then I'll have to find you a good burial site, a blessed resting place, to bless your future generations... but I forgot, you don't have children. Otherwise, wait a few more years, and when I have a child, I'll adopt them to be your godson."

Avery smiled with narrowed eyes. "Sounds good."

For the evening class reunion, Avery rarely dressed up. With her short hair, she shed the innocence of the past. When she didn't smile, she looked like an elegant and noble white rose.

As Isabella put it, even if Avery didn't say a word and just stood there, she was like a beautiful landscape painting.

On the way to the hotel, Isabella asked, "Avy, what are your plans for the future? Do you want to travel around the world? We have plenty of time and money now."

Resting her head on her hand, Avery looked at the scenery passing by outside the car at high speed and replied calmly, "I want to establish a charity foundation. There are still many patients in this world who, like me, are trapped by terminal illnesses. I also want to help children in mountainous areas who can't afford to go to school."

Isabella couldn't find the words to say. She just felt a sense of sorrow. Avery, with her immense wealth, could save so many people, but she couldn't save herself. She didn't blame others for her misfortune and was still willing to shine a light on the path for strangers.


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