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Revenge After Death ( Michael Ford ) novel Chapter 130

Chapter 130 

With so many police officers stationed here, I couldn’t believe there wasn’t a listening device in Yasmin’s hospital ward

You’re in cahoots with the murderer, and you’re his accomplice,Yasmin suddenly accused.

She suddenly smirked as she added, I knew it, so you’re his wife” 

I warned her, You need evidence to back up your claims, or I’ll sue you for defamation.” 

Defamation?Yasmin pulled out her phone and opened her email. These are all the emails I sent to you. Want to take a look? It’ll be easy for the police to verify if you’re the recipient, won’t it?” 

I tried to grab Yasmin’s phone, but the door was suddenly pushed open

Zion and Rachel entered with several police officers. Their expressions were a mix of disappointment, curiosity, and indifference

She’s lying. I don’t know what she’s talking about. She’s just trying to smear my name, attempted to explain


Whether it’s slander or not, everything will become clear once we confirm the recipient,Zion stated, gesturing toward one of the officers. Take her into custody.” 

Without evidence, you have no right to take me 

backed away

away,I felt a sudden panic and instinctively 

If this was really Stephany’s doing, how would I clear my name

I suddenly felt incredibly unlucky. Why did I have to be reincarnated into Stephany’s body? Couldn’t I have been reborn as someone unrelated

There were too many secrets surrounding Stephany

Why pretend to be Stephanie?Michael’s voice cut through the ward as he joined Zion and Rachel. His expression, more complex than theirs, held a blend of coldness and a hint of anger. It was as if he felt betrayed by my deception


I chuckled. Why would I pretend to be Stephanie Carlson? When have I pretended to be her?” 

It was he who insisted I was Stephanie and stubbornly called me Stephie

Even if you resemble her, you’ll never be her!Michael said angrily

Michael, maybe you should take a good look at yourself in the mirror and see how disgusting 

Chapter 130 

you are,I retorted

A gleam of triumph flashed in Yasmin’s eyes

At that moment, I felt a sense of relief in my heart

I wasn’t worried about her attempts to frame me

My real concern was whether Stephany had actually committed these crimes

I’m pregnant, and I have the right to contact my lawyer,I told Zion

No need, I’ve already informed your husband,Zion replied firmly

It was clear he no longer trusted me


How can you just take her word for it without even confirming if those emails were for me? If there was any 

truth to her claims, Stephanie Carlson wouldn’t have been killed,I said, glaring 

at Yasmin


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