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Revenge After Death ( Michael Ford ) novel Chapter 152

Chapter 152 

Steven Lincoln!Michael angrily exclaimed as he balled his hands into fists, prepared to 

attack Steven

Hurry up! We’re running out of time!Phil anxiously cried

The rope 

would snap at any moment

However, Steven still looked at Michael, resolute

Finally, Michael gritted his teeth and nodded. Alright, Steven. You better not regret this

Just because Michael was taking this jab at his pride now didn’t mean that he wouldn’t get revenge on Steven for it in the future. He was bound to make Steven regret his decision

Honestly, I was somewhat worried

This brief moment of gleeIt would surely cause Steven a lot of trouble, wouldn’t it

But I couldn’t care about that right now. We would deal with whatever happens in the future when it happens

In the end, Michael got on his knees before me with anger boiling in his eyes. It was clear how much he didn’t want to do this


My body was slightly tense, and I couldn’t tell what emotion I was feeling right now

When I hated Michael in the past, I couldn’t wait for him to get on his knees in front of me. I wanted him to beg for mercy from me and say that he’d regretted all his actions

But all of a sudden, I felt like someone like him kneeling because of me would mess up my reincarnation

Steve!Phil cried

There was a small notch of rope left before it would snap

Immediately, Steven let 

go of me and hurried over

Then, right before the rope snapped, he grabbed one of the ropes among the tangled mess of other ropes

No one else, not even I could tell why Steven had grabbed onto that rope in particular. But when the rope above snapped and Yasmin’s body slightly fell, she was caught just in time by the rope Steven was holding onto

Steven then stared flatly at Yasmin before purposely loosening his grip. And just like a wooden puppet, Yasmin’s body slipped yet again as her face flushed red with pain

I took a deep breath

Stevenwas torturing Yasmin

He watched as Yasmin suffered and slowly suffocated, unable to even plea for mercy

Then, Steven smiledBut it was a terrifying smile

Meanwhile, I silently looked away

Zion then massaged his temple before going over to Steven. That’s enough,he said

However, Steven replied without budging, Yasmin will hold out until the helicopter’s here.” 

Yasmin wouldn’t die, but she had to suffer the pain of getting asphyxiated

Zion and Phil trusted Steven’s sense of time. If he said Yasmin wouldn’t die, then she wouldn’t die. But she couldn’t escape her suffering either

Meanwhile, Michael had silently stood up and was coldly gazing at Steven and me

I knew he wouldn’t let us off easy 



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