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Revenge After Death ( Michael Ford ) novel Chapter 157

Chapter 157 

My heart lurched as fear suddenly took root within me

Did Steven take the opportunity to leave when I was sleeping

Did that meanhe was involved in the serial killings

I hurriedly got out of bed and got dressed. Then, I left the hotel room and went down to the reception

Hi there, did you happen to see when my husband left the hotel?I asked

The receptionist shook her head. Apologies, there too many people earlier” 

were inst 

He’s of mixed blood and pretty goodlooking,I said

The receptionist replied, Oh, that handsome man! He must’ve” 

She then took out her phone as she mumbled to herself, He was so handsome, I couldn’t help but take a photo and share it online.” 

She then continued confidently, He left around midnight.” 

The receptionist had shared the photo of Steven at 12:03 am

I felt anxious

Steven had left around midnight, which meant that he left soon after I fell asleep. And it was 3 am now, which meant that three hours had passed since

Steven would have had ample time to commit a crime

I quickly left the hotel and looked around in a panic

What would I do if Steven was actually part of the murders

Then, I ran ahead with no direction in mind for a moment before my phone rang

It was Zion

I grew even more panicked

I didn’t know if I was afraid that the police had arrested Steven at a crime scene, or if another murder had happened

Hello?I answered the call after calming myself down

Chapter 157 

Come to the police station at Yellowbrick Road, please.Zion sounded exasperated

Police station?I was taken aback

Why didn’t you keep Steven in check? You really let him come out at night to beat someone up? Aren’t you his guardian?Zion sullenly asked

If the local police officers hadn’t been familiar with Steven, they would’ve detained him for the night

Beat someone up?I asked in confusion as I hailed a cab

Steve beat Michael up and trashed his car. What’s worse, he even got nearly a dozen stray dogs and set them on Michael’s bodyguards and injured them,Zion said, nearly gritting his words out. If Steve wasn’t declared insane, he would’ve been imprisoned already.” 

I was so confused

Steve went to beat Michael up in the middle of the night? And trashed his car too? He even had some dogs bite his men?I was overwhelmed by all this information

Did Steven suddenly want me to stay at the hotel last night because he’d planned to beat up Michael

But more than one person was injured. And according to Steve, the people who have been lingering around the Lincoln residence have run off

They were probably there to spy on you guys and intended to harm you two. So, Steve’s actions can technically be counted as selfdefense in this case,Zion said, exasperated. But Michael and his driver are considered innocent bystanders given that they were simply waiting for you two at the door.” 

At that, I fell silent


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