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Revenge After Death ( Michael Ford ) novel Chapter 164

Chapter 164 

She wouldn’t dare,Michael said confidently. I have my ways of making her come and beg me for help.” 

Meanwhile, I was hiding behind the door and only sighed in relief after Michael’s car drove away

Michael was someone who would do anything to achieve his goal. So, even though I may have escaped his clutches this time, I might not be so lucky next time

My guess was that Michael had found out about the connection Stephany had with the orphaned children. But he still didn’t have anything concrete between her and the killer

I took a deep breath. I could already feel a headache coming on

What sort of relation did Stephany Larson have with the killer

Did she help and feed those orphans to have them kill other people? Was Stephany such a terrifying woman

Based on the school reunion before, I could tell that Stephany herself was a cowardly woman who was easily manipulated and had low selfesteem

Could she have grown cruel and malignant after being pushed around for so long

I was worried that if I continued looking into this matter, I might not be able to recover from Stephany’s dirty laundry. What’s worse, I might end up getting imprisoned myself before we actually found the killer

That would really be too terrible

StephieI saw Steven the moment I entered the living room. He seemed anxious, and it was probably because he couldn’t find me anywhere after waking up

I’m here.I quickly calmed him down

Steven ran over and hugged me tight. I thoughtyou didn’t want me anymore

He was trembling along with his voice, as if he lived in fear every single day of his life

We deserve an explanation for this. We need to sustain ourselves too even though Mr. Lincoln Senior can’t make the decisions anymore. What right did he have to stop providing for us?” 

Yeah. What right does a lunatic like him have to cut us off from the Lincoln family’s wealth?someone was calling out amid the commotion from the living room

Only then did I realize that the Lincolns had come to trouble us again

But this time, other Lincolns had come instead of Martin

They were here for their monthly allowances

I’d heard from Ewan that Ignatius would give these relatives allowances every month for their relation’s sake, depending on how close or farrelated they were

Did Steven cut all of them off after Ignatius fell ill

No wonder they were here causing such a scene

I gazed at Steven, confused. Did you stop their monthly allowances?” 

Steven nodded innocently. Why should we give them money? Spending money on dogs. is better than spending money on them.” 

I took a deep breath, wanting to give him a thumbs up in agreement

Even dogs knew to protect their owners. But these Lincolns only knew how to leech off of the family

Plus, the Lincoln family was never responsible for supporting these people in the first place. Yet, they’d become reliant on them

Not to mention, the Lincoln family supported them for such a long time too, but it was only for them to end up with nothing in return

I’m telling you, Steven, we no longer see you as part of the Lincoln family. Get out of this house right now, you lunatic, and give us everything we deserve! We won’t let you off so easily otherwise!an elderly woman who stood at the lead yelled

She seemed to be Ignatiuscousin

Yeah! We can barely survive. You need to pay us!” 

Give us the money or I’m going to end myself!the other Lincolns begin insisting


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