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Revenge After Death ( Michael Ford ) novel Chapter 174

Chapter 174 

Michael was convinced that Steven was the murderer

I’ll show you. He’ll confess that he was the murderer,he said in a hoarse voice as he 


Meanwhile, I sat quietly in the passenger seat, feeling powerless and exhausted. Whatare you going to do?” 

Since he’s a lunatic, I’ll make sure he stays like that forever.Michael was driving toward the abandoned asylum

Suddenly, I realized what Michael was planning to dohe was going to push Steven and force him to tell the truth. He was going to make Steven admit that he had killed Stephanie

When we arrived at the asylum, Michael dragged me to a small room and made me watch the surveillance monitor

You don’t believe that he killed someone, do you? You don’t think he’s a lunatic, right? Well, sit and watch then.” 

Everything’s ready, Mr. Ford,the assistant said to Michael

I watched in horror as the monitor flickered to life

Michael’s intentions were clearhe was going to use the past events to provoke Steven and rub salt on his wound

Mentally ill patients are incapable of distinguishing reality from dreams. They might perceive the world as unreal and, consequently, express his innermost thoughts,a doctor in a white coat solemnly stated

I turned to him, clasping my hands tightly. You’re Quentin Long, the doctor who exposed the scandal of the asylum, right?” 

Quentin nodded

Since you rescued Steven, you should know that he’s not a bad personSo, why are you helping Michael with this? You’re adding insult to his injury,I questioned him

Quentin was silent for a while before saying, He killed innocent people, including Mr. Ford’s pregnant wife” 

Chapter 174 


That’s bullshit! Stephanie wasn’t his wife. In fact, he’s the reason she’s dead!1 angrily glared at Michael

That shameless asshole

However, Michael didn’t say a word. Instead, he grabbed my chin from behind and forced me to watch the monitor

StephieA man suddenly burst into the room on the monitor

It was Steven, and it seemed like he’d come in a hurry

StephieSteven repeatedly called my name

You used me to lure him here?” I asked through gritted teeth

So, that was the reason Michael had shown up in the alley. He was there to abduct me so 

he could use me to threaten Steven

He seems to care about you a lot,Michael said in a low tone as he forced me to look at 

the monitor

I tightly clenched my hands as I watched Steven standing alone in the empty room

It made my heart ache

The moment Steven had burst into the room, the metal door behind him was immediately locked. Yet, he still kept calling my name

Then, the light suddenly dimmed, and Steven’s cold eyes stared into the camera with a horrifying and dark glare

I will kill youSteven fixed his eyes on the camera and spoke in a hoarse and low voice

However, Michael merely gave a cold smile before gesturing for Quentin to begin his 


Quentin sat silently for a while. Then, he stood up and pressed the play button on the 


Then, the light dimmed before a video was projected onto the screen in the room

It showed Steven’s past experiences in the asylum

I tightly gripped my hands as I watched the video on the screen

Steven was desperately pounding on the mental door as he repeatedly shouted, Let me 

Chapter 174 

out. She’s waiting for me. I need to get out… 

But the people in the video didn’t let him out


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