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Revenge After Death ( Michael Ford ) novel Chapter 181

Chapter 181 

I understood that Aunty Lois was planning to ruin Steven in the same manner as we did 


I took a deep breath and got up from the couch. I wanted to ask Steven about the animal 


However, when I turned around, Steven was already sitting on the stairs. He gazed at me with reddened eyes, as if he were deeply aggrieved

StephieSteven said softly, Don’t settle it in private.” 

Michael won’t go down so easily. He’ll definitely fight back. In the worstcase scenario, he’ll only be detained for 15 days,I told Steven

Despite its significant impact on the Ford Group, this incident wouldn’t result in severe punishment for Michael

Detained for 15 daysSteven seemed rather excited about it

As long as Michael faced the music, he would be happy as a lark

Do you think the Ford family would just sit back and watch?I sighed and sat next to Steven. You don’t want to mess with The Ford family, especially Aun- 

Especially Mrs. Ford. It’s not the 15day detainment that concerns them, it’s the impact of this incident on the company.” 

Steven wrapped his arms around his legs and hunched over them with a pitiful expression. He looked like a huge abandoned dog

I stared at him with a complicated gaze before saying, When youhave an episode, do you abuse animals?” 

Steven was startled as he looked back at me in silence. I noticed that his eyes were somewhat emotional too

Was he aggrieved? Depressed? Or perhaps, upset

Was he accusing me of not trusting him

Then how do you explain this photo?I showed him the photo that Aunty Lois had sent 

to me

Steven glanced at the photo and looked up at me. If I say no, will Stephie believe me?” 

Honestly, it was difficult for me to blindly believe him when the proof was right there in front of me. And I was also aware that he was incapable of controlling himself during his episodes

SteveThe Ford family will exploit this to the fullest in their publicity. They will attack you for your mental illness and blow it out of proportionI lowered my head, dreading how cruel the ensuing public opinion could be toward Steven

But lucky for him, he seldom checked his phone. Otherwise, he would be in another level of hell

Shortly after, Aunty Lois sent me an article. It was a post published the year before, and the title was about paying attention to stray animals

The article discussed the common occurrence of animal abuse among the homeless population and had a picture of Steven holding a kitten covered in blood attached next to 

  1. it

The article was highly critical, likely written by a journalist, and nearly reduced the homeless population to being utterly worthless

The post had received millions of views when it went viral that year

I didn’t know how Steven went through it

Public opinion sure could be a doubleedged sword

StephieYou don’t trust me, do you?Steven’s voice was hoarse, as if he was on the verge of losing it again

He grabbed my arm, searching my eyes for a sense of trust. However, upon finding nothing, disappointment washed over him

Steven lowered his head as his eyes gradually reddened. Then, with tears streaming down his face, he stood up and left

SteveInstinctively, I reached out and held his hand, hoping for an explanation

But Steven seemed to be very sensitive about the cat abuse incident

Steve?I called again, but he ignored me and ran off to the room

This was the first time I had seen him react so emotionally in front of me


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