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Revenge After Death ( Michael Ford ) novel Chapter 278

Chapter 278 

But hereIt should be unknown to anyone that Steven was here

Stevie.” I opened the door. It was the deaf uncle. He told me through sign language and somewhat nonstandard pronunciation that it was Stevie who had come back

I looked at him in surprise and then walked downstairs

Stevie, having been sent to the hospital by Zion, must be out of danger now

The dog has quite a strong vitality. It’s just like its owner. It is smart enough to be a police dog.Zion was in his traffic police uniform. He must have just gotten off work and took the opportunity to bring Stevie over

I squatted on the ground and looked at Stevie, who still had bandages around its abdomen. I reached out to it, and the wolfhound happily wagged its tail and jumped into my arms

At that moment, memories from 


childhood surfaced in my mind

Georgie, bite him!” 

Georgie, attack!” 

Georgie, snatch!” 

I recalled doing many things with Georgie in the past

However, I couldn’t recall much at the moment

The only thing I remembered was that I often used Georgie to threaten and intimidate 

Michael when we were kids

Thinking about those times, I could understand why Michael hated me and thought I was inherently bad. However, he should have despised me, right? Why did he pretend to be so 

affectionate after my death? 

Was he masochistic? I made the dog bite him when we were little, yet he still showed deep affection for me and even lied to me, saying he was my lover

He really was sick in the head

Is Steven okay?Zion asked while squatting to the side and stroked Stevie’s head

Stevie seemed to distinguish between good and bad people. It was quite gentle with Zion

He’s injured and doesn’t have many good spots left on his body. He’s lying in bed right 

Chapter 278 

now,I said softly


“Yasmin didn’t die, and Simon confessed. Recently, the killer suddenly stopped appearing and hasn’t shown up again. I wonder if this serial murder case has come to an end. I hope Simon is the mastermind. As long as he’s dead, everything will be over,Zlon whispered

From the current situation, it seemed like the killer indeed disappeared without a trace, as if Simon’s death meant the disappearance of the murderer

Besides, the police found DNA left over from the assault on the third female victim that 

matched the DNA of the first male victim,Zion said in a low voice

The victim was the murderer, and the murderer eventually became the victim

The perfection of this serial murder case lied in the fact that the killer was hidden among the victims. It was impossible to guess who the next murderer would be

I’ve heard of exchange killings before, where strangers kill on behalf of each other. But I’ve never heard of a serial killer becoming a victim.It was obviously an organized and premeditated serial killing

The longer there’s no new victim, the more likely Simon is the final murderer. But something tells me things aren’t as simple as it seems.Zion’s intuition was accurate

I, too, believed that things weren’t that simple

The person who killed Stephanie hasn’t been found yet. Is it possible that she’s also one of the future victims? For example, Yasmin was responsible for luring Stephanie to the old alley, and then the real perpetrator acted. There’s definitely something fishy about her.I gazed at Zion


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