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Revenge After Death ( Michael Ford ) novel Chapter 287

Chapter 287 

Stephie- Michael anxiously wanted to take me away, saying, They’ve already called the police, you should leave with me for now. I’ll come up with a plan.” 

Yasmin started screaming in the crowd. She was deliberately exaggerating the situation. She then looked at Michael nervously, asking, Michael, whatWho killed this man?” 

Michael frowned and said, He’s not dead yet.” 

What’s going on, Michael? Did Stephy-Yasmin purposely looked at me and was horrified by the blood on me. You’ve gone overboard, Stephy! What should we do now? You would be sentenced for intentional murder!” 

Michael’s face was pale. He refused to let go of my wrist as he said, Just come with me for now. I’ll find ways to bail you out.” 

You must be crazy.Joel walked over and pushed through Michael’s hand that was on mine. He then said, Even a high schooler like me knew that there’s no guilt in justifiable selfdefense!” 

But she had gone overboard, this is excessive selfdefense!Yasmin covered her mouth on purpose before saying, Everyone had seen it.” 

Why are you still blabbering away then if everyone had seen it?Joel scolded Yasmin. You look like you’re asking to receive the brunt of excessive selfdefense yourself!” 

Joel yanked the car door open and pushed me into the car irregardless. He had smashed the car window, pulled her out, took out a knife and attempted to kill her. There shouldn’t be any issue if she took over his knife and stabbed him a few times to stop him from committing more crimes.” 

The police and ambulance came soon after. Those people from the Lincoln family were probably hoping that the man would just die like that. They could’ve charged me for excessive selfdefense if that really happened

Unfortunately, he was only bleeding and gut fightened. He was not in any lifethreatening danger

The doctor and nurses examined his wounds and drew in a sharp breath. Ten stab wounds, and each of 

them avoided the vital organs. The wounds aren’t deep either, it’s probably just minor injuries.” 

The man, who was pale from terror, was lifted onto the ambulance. I wasn’t sure if his injuries were fatal or not, but it surely terrified him to death

How amazing.A familiar voice sounded from outside the car door, Easob was leaning against the car, teasing her. He had probably come along responding to the calls

How did you manage to avoid all his vital organs with each stab? Your moves were clean and efficient,Eason asked, looking suspiciously at me. He knocked his gloved hand on the car door, and I knew that he was interrogating me

I don’t know-I really didn’t know what I was doing earlier. My brain was blank


There was a case many years ago, where a youth was stabbed in an orphanage. His wounds weren’t deep and each stab wasn’t fatal. The youth was not in lifethreatening danger, but he went insane out of fear once he regained consciousness

*Try guessing who was the one who stabbed that youth to the point of sending him to insanity back then?Eason asked, looking at me with a scrutinizing gaze

It was as if he was trying to see through me. I subconsciously averted his gaze as I replied, I don’t know.” 

That perpetrator’s name was Stephanie Carlson,Eason said, his voice deep

My body froze and I looked toward him subconsciously. Was it me? I couldn’t recall anything at all

Please come with us, Ms. Larson,he said, asking me to get out of the car

That was justifiable selfdefense, how could you- Joel was about to stop Eason, but was pulled back by 


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