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Revenge After Death ( Michael Ford ) novel Chapter 295

Chapter 295 

I looked at Zion in astonishment

Indeed. I’ve seen the scene. The murderer deliberately impersonated the suspicions of the serial murder case, but it can’t be ruled out completely.Zion nodded

When Sparks performed the autopsy, he found that the victim’s fatal injury was the back of his head. Someone hit the back of his head from behind, causing his death. The person was skillful and knew where to hit.Eason was deep in thought. The victim should be on a call before he died. There were traces left behind from a phone smashing on the ground. But the phone was taken away by the murderer. The murderer of the serial murder case has a habit. When he kills someone, he won’t take anything from 

the victim. It’s as if he’s confident that the police won’t find him.” 

So, these are two separate cases,I said softly

The serial murder case was a different case from the Sunset Alley’s murder case

What about the identity of the victim? Didn’t you mention that he used to be a psychiatrist? Did he have

connection with Stephanie?I looked at Eason nervously

I’ve looked into the victim before. His name is Wyatt Zimmer. He was a psychiatrist. In his early years, he won several awards in the field of psychiatry. He was always on par with Peter in the hospital, but the 

director liked him more as he knew how to conduct himself,said Zion

Once he heard that a murder case happened in Sunset Alley, he went to investigate it

But this person had left this asylum many years ago.Eason turned around and looked at the old asylum that had barricade tape all over

Aside from that, I’ve discovered that the director of this hospital committed suicide in prison after being punished. After that, most doctors went to the current Huma Psychiatric Hospital.” 

When Wyatt left, this asylum hadn’t been barricaded. It was said that he went to Yesa to do clothing. business. He earned quite a lot. He wore branded clothes. Even his watch cost more than three million dollars.Eason thought for a while. But when I checked his company, it was a shell company. The 

clothing business was a cover. How did he earn money

Go and look into it. Why are you guessing it?Zion disliked Eason 

Why was the latter still trying to figure things out here

Eason’s phone vibrated on the car’s bonnet

Eason glared at Zion while picking up the call. Officer Grant, we have found the murderer! We checked all the surveillance cameras nearby and locked in the suspect’s address. It’s 37 Bridgeway Route. It’s the 

demolition area, the last slum of Huma.“ 

I glanced at Zion. 37 Bridgeway Route was the demolition area where the last slum of Huma was located

Simeon’s sister, Carol, lived there. The area was a mixture of good and bad

Chapter 295 

I need to go on a mission. If you’re capable, you can look into it yourself.Holding a grudge, Eason pushed Zion away. He got into the car and drove away

Zion frowned and looked at me. Should we go and take a look?” 

I nodded

I hoped the murder case this time had nothing to do with the serial murder case


On 37 Bridgeway Route, the police had locked in a room on the third floor

When Zion and I reached the place, the police barged into the room to catch the suspect

As the apartment wasn’t big, the corridors were narrow. From the room, one could see the opposite room clearly

The suspect lived on the east side. On the other hand, Carol was on the west side. Their rooms faced one 


When I looked in the west direction, I saw Carol watching the police arrest the suspect. Her clothes were untidy as she stood there, dazed

Suddenly, her gaze landed on me. She smiled

Her smile was so strange that I felt a chill run down my spine

MurdererCarol suddenly pointed at me and giggled

Even though I couldn’t hear her voice clearly, I could read her lips. She was saying the word murderer

Was she saying that I was the murderer? What did she mean… 

Watch out! Catch him!” 


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