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Revenge After Death ( Michael Ford ) novel Chapter 33

Chapter 33 

The ambulance arrived and whisked Yasmin away 

I watched as Michael anxiously lifted Yasmin into his arms. He even glared at me fiercely

Everyone present bore witness to me pushing Yasmin down the stairs. Even the servants from Ford family sided with them

At that moment, I was in a daze. I even started doubting if it was me who pushed Yasmin down the stairs

Once again, I fell into the trap of selfincrimination

I didn’t know how to explain myself. It seemed wrong to explain myself, but not explaining myself was also wrong. I curled up under the stairs and waited for a very long time

Finally, Michael returned at dawn

I stood up with bloodshot eyes and choked out, Michael, it wasn’t me.” 

There was a resounding slap as he struck me. My ears rang intensely… 

My nose bled, and my hearing was muffled. I probably had a ruptured eardrum. He put a lot of force into that slap

Do you know that Yasmin’s sister wanted to call the police? You had deliberately hurt her!he yelled

He then dragged me up from the ground and forcefully pulled me into the study

Stephanie, have I spoiled you to the point where you dare to do something illegal?he roared

He continued, What’s next? Do you plan on killing someone?” 

I covered my face and looked at Michael, desperately wishing he would believe me. I cried and pleaded, shaking my head

Michael, it wasn’t me. It truly wasn’t me,I said, but he did not believe me at all

Jack saw it. It wasn’t me. I didn’t push her. It truly wasn’t me,I explained desperately, nearly getting on my knees as I begged him to believe me

Yet he did not believe me

Jack said he saw you push Yasmin down the stairs! Yet you still want to deny it!” 

My heart sank at his words

Right, how could I be so foolish to think that Jack would stand up for me? After all, they were the ones who spread rumors about me to ruin my reputation from the start

If Yas doesn’t forgive you when she wakes up, I’ll send you to prison!” 

He said he wanted to send me to prison. It scared me. I was unwilling to accept that

After the death of my parents, I worked desperately and studied hard. My hard work was what gave 

current achievements. I refused to accept having it destroyed in such a manner

me my 

I refuse to go to prison. I didn’t push her!I stared at him fearfully. My breathing was shaky

Terrified, I stood up and found the courage to push him aside. I then desperately fled the Ford home

I ran from this place I once thought was paradise but later turned out to be hell

I ran and hid in a dark alley for a long time. I was terrified. At that moment, I felt utterly alone

I did not remember when I fell asleep. Nor did I recall who placed a worn but clean blanket over me. was not sure who left a cup of cheap but clean tea and a lollipop beside me either

This was not the first time someone had left me a lollipop while I was alone in the dark

In the past, when my parents were still alive, I would frequently throw tantrums and run away from home. Every time I woke up, there would be a lollipop by my side

Who are you?I mumbled as I looked around

Who was the person who always silently watched over me

Could you 


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