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Revenge After Death ( Michael Ford ) novel Chapter 381

"If I have been dwelling in darkness, please don't expose me to the light... If you choose to bring me into the light, don't then thrust me back into the darkness where I can't even see my own hands."

Suddenly, the room's lights flickered on, revealing a pure white wall. To my shock, I found these two sentences written on the wall in what appeared to be blood.

My eyes struggled to adjust to the sudden brightness, causing me to instinctively shut them. I was overcome by such intense fear that I began trembling uncontrollably. Wiping away the tears caused by the intense light, I nervously observed my surroundings.

I awoke on an old operating table, my wrist adorned with an IV needle. Looking upwards, I discovered it to be connected to a nutrient drip designed for vegetative patients. This was the same drip that had sustained me when I was preserved and exhibited in a glass display.

I looked down at my body in fear. My clothes were gone, replaced by a hospital gown. Panicked, I hastily removed the IV needle and swiftly examined my body for any wounds or incisions.

It seemed like I must have been asleep for quite a while. Upon getting out of bed, my vision darkened, and my legs grew weak, causing me to fall to the ground. Shaking all over, I struggled to regain my senses.

No, I was desperate to regain my strength. I rose from the bed, leaning for support. I removed the infusion bag from the hook and examined it closely.

It contained a rich nutrient solution that could provide instant relief to my overwhelming thirst. Struggling to overcome my nausea, I forced myself to consume the nutrient solution from the IV bag.

As I calmed my racing heart, I took a moment to observe my surroundings. Apart from the blood-stained words on the wall and the presence of an operating table, the whole room was impeccably tidy and clean. It appeared to resemble a hospital facility...

Reluctant to act impulsively, I carefully removed the infusion pole. I gripped it tightly in my hand, preparing to defend myself.

"Rat-tat-tat." Suddenly, the sound of banging on the door shattered the quiet stillness of the environment. I walked to the door and leaned against it to listen to what was going on outside.

Someone was crying and banging on the door. "Where am I? Please, let me out!"

"Is there anyone here?"

The resounding cries of both women and men shook my heart with fear, causing tears to well up in my eyes. I couldn't help but wonder where on earth is this place.

"It seems like everyone is awake." A strange voice suddenly came from the corner of the room. The voice was changed, rendering it virtually impossible to discern its age or gender. Nevertheless, it possessed an eerie and unsettling quality.


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