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Revenge After Death ( Michael Ford ) novel Chapter 392

Carol hugged Quinn comfortingly. She said something softly, so I couldn't hear what she said.

Suddenly, with the sound of a click, the lights of the entire floor were turned off.

In an instant, everyone became quiet.

Everyone held their breaths and became vigilant. They wanted to see what the lunatic wanted to do.

The area was silent. There was only the sound of people breathing and water droplets. There were no other sounds.

"Is there poison gas? There's no ventilation on this floor." Someone spoke up with a shaky voice. They sounded afraid. "Will we die here?"

The area became noisy.

"What should we do?"

In the dark, a pair of arms grabbed my wrist. He seemed to be comforting me and telling me there was no need to be terrified.

My breath tightened. I sensed that it was Michael's aura.

He stood before me and protected me. Then, he stepped back, making me lean against the wall in the corner.

In the dark where one couldn't see anything, the evilness of human nature would be magnified.

As the darkness continued for a few more minutes, the light from the near distance came over.

The lights had turned on.

Everyone raised their heads and looked at the lights in shock. "What's going on?"

"What's that lunatic doing? Was there a power outage?"

"Is that it?"

Some people refused to believe that it was only a power outage.

"Ah!" Suddenly, someone shrieked.

I smelled the strong odor of blood.

When I turned around, I saw a corpse hanging on the roof. His neck was sliced, so he couldn't call for help. The knife pierced his heart directly.


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