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Revenge After Death ( Michael Ford ) novel Chapter 68

Chapter 68 

Hmph. Many big names in Huma will show up tonight.Ignatius scoffed and led me downstairs. He offered, I’ll introduce you to them later as you’ll be my granddaughterinlaw soon. It’s about time you bear a son for the Lincoln family as well.” 

I was aghast at his remark. Why did he need me to produce a son? It wasn’t like the Lincolns had a throne to be passed to a male heir

However, when I considered the Lincolnswealth and status in Huma, it did seem that they had a significant amount of inheritance to pass on

GrandpaI put on a look of stress. Sure, babies conceived naturally are healthy and smart, what if I give birth to a girl?” 


You’re still young. I have some years left in me as well. Don’t worry, you can keep making babies in the next few years until you get a son,Ignatius suggested impassively

My lips twitched. Did he see Stephany as merely a tool for childbirth

Anyway, Steven would remain of use to the Lincolns as long as I hadn’t produced the male heir that Ignatius so wished to see. I started wishing that I’d give birth to a girl

How did Stevego mad?I whispered curiously

Steve?Ignatius shot me a glance. I wondered if they addressed him as Steveat home

Suddenly, it struck me that Steve was Steven Lincoln to the Lincolns. Oh, I mean Steven.” 

Ignatius explained coldly, He was a smart kid, even a genius. Too bad he was driven crazyAfter some silence, he looked at me warily. He was reluctant to air the family’s dirty laundry

He added, Don’t worry about that. Just focus on producing an heir. That’s the best thing you can do for us.” 

I nodded obediently. Sure.Although Ignatius did not reveal anything to me, I assumed that Steven’s current condition had everything to do with the Lincoln family

But Grandpa, I’m quite scared. There are rumors out there that Steven is a killerA serial killer who targets women. Even the maids at home are gossiping about it. Is that true

The doctor advised me to spend more time with the baby’s father, but I’m afraid that he’llI put on an act to gauge Ignatiusresponse

Oh, he might be crazy, but he’s no killer. Take my word for it. The rumors are baseless. For the safety. of you and your child, you should keep a distance from him, though,replied Ignatius, who sounded. confident that Steven was not a murderer

If so, why was he at the crime scene, and what was he doing there? How was he connected to the murderer



Ignatius had invited many big names in the business world to the Lincolnsdinner party. The Fords, just second to the Lincolns in power, were naturally present at the event

However, I was surprised to see Michael showing up alone. Did he really treasure Yasmin so much that he’d rather keep her tucked away at home during her pregnancy

Mr. Ignatius, is this your precious granddaughterinlaw?a guest greeted Ignatius with a smile


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