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Roar of the Supreme Warrior novel Chapter 103

“Oh no, please don’t!”

York stood up immediately, saying, “Ms. Thea, just call me Mr. Smith.”

“Mr. Smith, my daughter will get a divorce from James as soon as possible. She’ll be free to marry Yoel after that, who has mentioned that he will not shun Thea. Even though Thea and James have obtained their marriage certificate, she’s still a virgin. She won’t be an embarrassment to the Smiths.”

“Oh no, this is unacceptable!”

York said, “Madam Hill, let’s not mention it. Thea and James are the perfect couple. Forget about my useless son! Thea’s way out of his league. Let’s leave it and not bring it up anymore!”

Gladys looked confused.

“Mr. Smith, does it bother you that Thea is a divorcee?”

“No, of course not! Haven’t you heard of the ancient saying, ‘It’s better to burn bridges than to destroy marriages’? Ms. Thea and James are in love. We should forget about it!”

After finding out how powerful James was, York would be an idiot to request that Thea divorce James.

If the divorce went through, the Smiths would be destroyed!

Now, all they could do was wait for James to cool down. At the same time, it would do them well to maintain a good relationship with the Callahans.

“Mr. Smith, what…”

Gladys did not know what else to say.

“Well, that’s it, then. I’ll be on my way now. Oh, please tell James that my son will not be bothering Thea again.”

With that, York left in a great hurry.

His son was still in the car downstairs, waiting to go to the hospital.

Although Yoel had made several grave mistakes, he was still his son.

After York left, the Callahans were left confused.

After spending a few million dollars on getting David back, this was it?

“Dave, how are you feeling? I’ll take you to the hospital now.” Alyssa looked at David, who was lying on the couch. She was so worried that she almost burst into tears.

Listlessly, David waved his hand. “I-I’m fine. Just beaten up and strung up for a few hours. I lost consciousness for a while due to a lack of blood flow and oxygen to my brain, but I’m fine now.”

Gladys pulled herself out of her thoughts. She had no time for them anymore.

She approached David. “Dave, are you alright? Let’s go to the hospital.”

“Mom, I’m fine. We don’t have to go to the hospital.”


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