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Roar of the Supreme Warrior novel Chapter 3164

Somewhere in the Boundless Realm’s outer space, a void suddenly appeared and broke the area’s silence.

Two figures walked out of the tear and into the starry space.

It was none other than James and Nico.

As soon as the two appeared, they observed their surroundings.

In the darkness, they spotted a desolate planet.

It had a vast area. From a distance, it looked forboding as a black mist shrouded it.

James and Nico approached and soon arrived in its vicinity.

James looked at the black mist around the planet with a frown. He murmured, “The energy here is somewhat similar to Curse Power. However, it seems slightly more sinister than Curse Power.”

After speaking, he turned to Nico and asked. “Why is the Azure Realm shrouded by this black mist?”

Nico shook his head and said, “I’ve no idea. The Azure Realm has existed for a long time. It’s impossible to remember what happened during the Primeval Age. However, according to rumors, the living beings on Azure Realm disappeared sometime after the Primeval Age. Ever since the incident, this place has been shrouded by black mist.”

James said pensively, “That’s strange. We’ll have to tread carefully.”

“Yeah.” Nico nodded.

Suddenly, a voice came from the Celestial Abode.

“Careful, James. Something about this planet is off.”

Hearing the voice, James lit up in joy and immediately responded. “You’re awake, Emperor Jabari?”

Emperor Jabari replied, “I was slumbering, but I sensed the unusual energy. This energy is familiar to me.”

“Is that so?”

Surprised, James asked. “What kind of energy is it? Where did you encounter it previously?”

Emperor Jabari fell into thought. After a while, he replied, “When wandering through a deserted area in the universe, I accidentally entered an unknown ruin. I proceeded through a passage in this ruin but got lost. It took me three thousand Epochs to finally leave the place.


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