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Ruthless Mafia Innocent Love.. novel Chapter 1

"What the hell did I tell you? I want that scoundrel dead! If you fail to accomplish this, you shall face dire consequences!" Alice screamed, his anger boiling over. Without waiting for a reply, he abruptly ended the call.

With an impassive expression, Alice greeted his mother, "Good morning, Mom."

"Good morning, son," his mother mirrored his demeanour, responding in a calm tone.

Taking his seat, Alice observed as the maid served the food, accidentally brushing him.

"How dare she touch me without permission?" his mind screamed, filled with outrage.

He was not like those frivolous billionaires who indulged in promiscuity. His disdain for women extended to physical contact.

Swiftly, he grabbed a knife and slashed the maid's arm, bellowing, "How dare you lay a hand on me! Leave this place before I sever your arm from your body!"

His mother, taken aback, asked, "Why do you behave this way, Alice?"

Alice turned to her, devoid of emotion, and replied, "Mom, I despise it when any woman touches me."

The maid ran away, crying and with blood spilling from her arm.

His mother pleaded, "You can't just do this. In the future, I want you to marry and lead a normal life."

Alice retorted, "I am only 25 years old, Mother. I will choose my own path in life. I won't abandon the woman I choose, but I haven't found anyone yet, and I doubt I ever will." With that, Alice left the scene.

"I hope that one day he will find his soulmate. It pains me to see my child like this! God, please grant him someone special. I fear that the girl he falls in love with will endure great suffering because when Alice becomes attached to something, he becomes possessive. Only God knows how he will react when he finds someone to love," his mother pondered, her heart filled with concern.

Alice settled into his car, instructing the driver to take him to his office.

The driver obediently replied, "Yes, master," and began the journey.

A smirk played upon Alice's lips as he observed the fear in his driver's eyes, relishing the power he held over everyone.

The car came to a halt, and Alice entered his office. All eyes were averted, for he despised direct eye contact.

His office was devoid of female staff, as he vehemently opposed their presence. Such was his decree. He entered his private cabin and immersed himself in work, knowing that this day would be arduous.

After a hectic schedule, Alice returned home, changed into comfortable clothes, and sat at the dining table. He said, "Mom, sorry for the morning."

"It's okay, son. Well, I am going to a party," his mom replied, knowing she didn't want to anger him by saying anything that might brush past his temper.

"Okay, mom. Have fun," Alice responded, his tone softening.

When his mother and the servants left, he went to his office attached to his bedroom and started working. He loved working hard; it was his passion.

He never felt passion for anything except his work. He worked hard to live, largely.

While working in his office, Alice noticed a dog entering his bedroom and wondered how it managed to enter the property. It is heavily guarded.

His attention shifted when he saw a young girl also entering his office . Despite his initial anger, Alice's breath caught in his throat when he laid eyes on her face.

The girl appeared to be around 18 or 19 years old and possessed a striking beauty. With her cute face, fair complexion, and red eyes, she wore shorts and a top that accentuated her milky legs. In an inexplicable moment, Alice felt an overwhelming need to protect her, as if she were his own, his angel.

Confused by his possessive feelings towards a woman, Alice questioned himself, acknowledging that this was a new experience for him.

As Alisha entered the room, she noticed a man sitting on a chair, causing her to feel uneasy. She felt his intense, predatory gaze upon her.

Reacting to the girl's presence, Alice exclaimed, "What audacity! How dare you enter my house!"

"Sorry Sir, my dog came here," Alisha became frightened and explained, her voice quivering.

Alice's thoughts wandered to how the girl's voice would sound beneath him, but he quickly reprimanded himself, urging self-control.

Alice's jealousy flared at the thought of the dog touching her.

"What a sorry girl, how dare you enter my house," he screamed, his anger escalating.


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