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The Pampering CEO: Don't Mess With My Secretly-Married Sweet Wife novel Chapter 113

Susan's expression was calm and her words were sharp, so Lily could not help but panic.

How on earth would she know about an ancient African totem?

Her design was entirely crafted out of Susan's!

Lily tried to calm herself down, then said, "Oh yeah, I recall now. It's an ancient African totem, I almost forgot about it for a second!"

"Oh, really?" Susan smirked, "Too bad then since I was just joking around. There was no ancient African tribe to begin with. This floor mat design is the 2014 collection released by Warfel Co. Ltd. I felt that the shapes had a very interesting element of mystery, so I incorporated them into my drawing." 1

As Susan spoke, some people had already begun searching on the internet.

Soon, the crowd started getting noisy again.

"It really is."

"It actually is the old edition released by Warfel Co. Ltd."

"Ancient African totem, this is hilarious, forgot my ass."

They discussed in low voices while giving Lily dirty


"Wow," Chance exclaimed with a smile. "Lily, not bad, you can even recognize an ancient African totem from an ordinary floor mat."

"Susan Shelby!" Lily glared at Susan in humiliation." You lied to me."

"I lied to you?" Susan snickered coldly, "If this design really is your own work, why would you fall for such a n amateur trick? Lily, this design is mine! The person who plagiarized is you."

"Stop talking nonsense!" Lily panicked. "I didn’t plagiarize. Just by looking at our work, everyone can tell that mine is better than yours."

"Yes, that's true," Susan nodded. "The design you presented is an enhanced version of my work. However, I doubt that it is within your capability to produce work of such quality. I'm afraid that someone helped you behind the scenes."

Everyone looked towards Sheldon.

The weather was a little chilling, but Sheldon’s forehead was covered in sweat.

Susan looked at him and he quickly denied, "No, I never intervened in this draft. The design was already like this when Lily submitted it to me. She tricked me into thinking that it was Ms. Shelby who plagiarized her work. However, based on what Ms. Shelby described, it was clear that the true owner of this design is Ms. Shelby! The person who plagiarized is

Lily. Naturally, the person who is disqualified is also Lily."

Sheldon looked eagerly at Julian and Susan for a sign of approval.

Lily could not believe that Sheldon changed his words so quickly!

She looked at Sheldon in shock.

"Lily, you wrongly accused Susan of plagiarism and intentionally misled me to make an erroneous decision. You're such an evil and corrupt woman. I now declare that you are the one who is disqualified from the competition. Please, leave now," Sheldon said righteously.

In just a few words, he pushed all the blame onto Lily alone.

Lily could not take his shameless behavior, so she glared at him in disbelief and lost her sanity," Sheldon, so you want to push everything to me now? It was you who said that if I slept with you, you would promise me a position in the top ten finalists and help me in my career. It was your idea to frame Susan with plagiarism, and I was just playing along. If you call me corrupt, you are only a thousand times worse!”

"What are you talking about?" Sheldon denied immediately, "I have nothing to do with you. Stop slandering me."

"Me? Slandering you?" Lily snickered coldly. Now that her life was screwed up entirely, she would never let

Sheldon live in peace without her!


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