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The Pampering CEO: Don't Mess With My Secretly-Married Sweet Wife novel Chapter 156

Julian narrowed his eyes dangerously at Susan as he said, "Woman, don't forget that you're already my wife. Our wedding certificate is still sitting in the safe upstairs. Who else could it be if you don't want to marry me?”

"What's the point of asking me if that is the case then?" Susan lifted her eyebrow.

"You're not answering my question, woman, but I’ll take that as a yes," Julian said, rising to his feet. Then, he took the ring out of the box and put it on Susan's finger.

Observing the diamond embedded in the ring, Susan's eyebrows furrowed in distress. The diamond was huge and it stung her eyes. She said, "This thing is so big. It's like I'm yelling at a robber to come and rob me. Can I take it off?"

As she spoke, she tried to get the ring down from her finger.

"Don't you dare, Susan Shelby!" Julian snapped, his eyes burning into Susan.

Susan stuck her tongue out at Julian and stopped moving. "I'm just joking with you. By the way, this one seems different from the last one I had."

Julian gave her a wedding ring before, but she threw i t away in a fit of anger after she was provoked by Isla. After that, she did not know where the ring had gone.

Julian harrumphed, "You've got the nerve to talk about our wedding ring, huh. I thought you didn’t want it anymore since you threw it at a nonsense woman?"

"Nonsense woman? Have you forgotten that you're the one who wanted me to apologize to her? You even asked me to give her a birthday present! Julian Shaw, I can't believe that you can remember her birthday after knowing her just for a couple of days," Susan said indignantly.

"Who the hell knows her birthday? I only know that that day is your..." Julian suddenly stopped midway through his sentence.

Susan blinked her eyes, "Me? What is the thing that you know about me?"

"It's nothing," Julian dodged Susan's question, setting his jaw in a tight line.

Understanding suddenly dawned upon Susan when she saw that Julian refused to hold her gaze. She stared at him with bright eyes as she asked, "You know that day is my birthday, don't you?"

"I don’t know," Julian denied.

"You really don't know that my birthday is on October 20th?" Susan pressed on, a cunning grin crossed her face.

"I thought it was on the 30th of..." Julian replied subconsciously, then he suddenly realized something was amiss.

He turned his gaze towards Susan and saw a knowing smile on her face. His face turned rigid as he quickly replied, "I found out afterward. Otherwise, I wouldn't have known about it.”

Susan did not believe in Julian. Holding the knowing grin on her face, Susan teased, "You were trying to make me angry that day, weren't you?"


"You're using Isla to make me angry, are you?"


"The present was for me, wasn't it?"

"You're delusional.”

"You've been in love with me for a long time, have you not?" Susan cut straight to the chase.

"That is impossible," Julian said with a blank expression, though the reddened tips of his ears betrayed how nervous he was.

This was something that he had never expected. He was proposing to Susan, so she should be the one blushing all over. He had no idea what had gone sideways, and now Susan was teasing him.

"Just admit it, Julian," Susan walked one step forward.

Julian took one step back.

"Admit it, Julian,” Susan advanced another step closer.

Julian recoiled another step back.

After a few times, Julian was backed into a corner.

Smiling like a Chesire cat and looking like a wolf that had caught a rabbit, Susan said, "Tell me, Julian. Have you been plotting this for a long time?"

Julian was filled with anger when he saw the brilliant smile on Susan’s face.

'This woman is getting more and more audacious around me. Does she really think that I’ll not punish her?' Julian squinted his eyes and thought inwardly,' Although she does look cute when she behaves this way and I’m willing to let her boss me around, she still needs to be taught a lesson.'

With that thought in mind, Julian lifted his eyebrow a s he held Susan's gaze. Suddenly, before Susan could d o anything, he bent over and scooped her up from the floor.

Susan was taken aback when she was lifted in midair. It was only now that she realized she had taken it too far and Julian began to retaliate against her. Be that a s it may, she was not going to yield to him just like that and struggled with all her might. "What are you doing, Julian? Put me down!"


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