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The Pampering CEO: Don't Mess With My Secretly-Married Sweet Wife novel Chapter 66

By the time Julian returned, he saw Susan was sitting on the couch, a worried expression drawn on her face.

When Susan saw Julian, she asked, "Julian, you..."

However, before she could finish her sentence, Julian interjected, as he already knew what she wanted to ask. "I did ask Seth to help me with the investigation."

He sat down on the couch beside Susan and then continued, "According to Seth, Richard Jenkins has a serious brain disease. I already have a rough picture o f the entire incident, but I'm still working on the reason that caused his death."

"Okay." Susan nodded, her face a shade of pale.

Julian patted her head. "If the Jenkins were to bring this to the court, then it's gonna be a tough fight. So, I have to collect as much evidence as possible and get the best lawyer for you. Don't think too much, Susan, I'll do my best to help you."

Pressing her lips thin, Susan murmured, "It's okay, Julian. You don’t have to do so much for me. If... If I a m the killer, I will accept the punishment."

When that incident first happened, she was so overwhelmed by her fear that she only wanted to run away from the scene. However, now that she had already calmed down, she was willing to bear the consequences if she was really the murderer.

Julian narrowed his eyes, but he did not make any remark. He pulled her into a tight embrace, kissed the top of her head, and murmured, "Don't worry. I won't let them have their way."

The Jenkins stayed in Bali for three days. Outsiders were oblivious about Richard's death, so it was all about the marriage between Luke and Mandy in the press. Then, the news of Richard showing up at the banquet hall with a mysterious girl escalated the matter further and caused the newlyweds to hit the headline.

Everything seemed quiet for the time being, but Julian knew it was the lull before the storm. Once the

Jenkins returned, a huge disturbance would soon follow. As such, he had made all sorts of preparations without letting Susan know. Right now, he was waiting for the Jenkins to ring the toll of war.

Today was the day the Jenkins returned. Julian embattled himself as he watched Madam Jenkins’ interview.

From the television, she looked sad.

"It's a wonderful thing that Luke and Mandy can be united in wedlock and I'm very happy for them. I understand that it might not be the most proper time t o announce something like this, and that I shouldn't blemish such a blissful moment, but as a wife, I feel like I have the obligation to let everyone know about i t. My husband, Mister Richard Jenkins, passed away several days ago when we were in Bali. It was caused b y internal bleeding in his brain when he got too excited about the wedding news."

As Madam Jenkins was talking, her face scrunched u p in agony. "I was advised against bringing his body back, so after going through some negotiations with the police department in Bali, I had no choice but to cremate my husband's body in Bali..." Then, she lowered her head and gently ran her fingers across the urn in her embrace as if she was caressing her own child. "This urn contains his cremains, and it's the only thing he's left me."

There were times she almost passed out midway through her speech due to her grief, and she needed the support from her son and daughter to keep her standing still.

The news of Richard Jenkins’s death came as a bombshell. All of the reporters could not come around to their senses and the hall went silent. It took quite a while for the news to sink in, and by the time they finally recollected their composure, the hall was once again filled with another bout of chattering, shuttering of cameras, and susurration of papers as the reporters hastily jotted down the unexpecting news.

The Jenkins Corporation was one of the leading corporations in Ningcheng City. Though the scale of their business was not as large as the Shaw Corporation, after they and the Ainsleys united through marriage, they could at least sit on an equal footing with the Shaws. Right now, Richard Jenkins was dead. An earthquake was bound to happen in the Jenkins Corporation and all of them could foresee a storm was about to land in the business circle of Ningcheng City.

"In three days, I'll hold my husband's funeral in the Jenkins' mansion. All of you are welcome to attend."

With that, Madam Jenkins turned around and left the scene with the help of her kids.

However, the reporters' revelry had just begun.

"Richard Jenkins has passed away. Who will be the next chairperson of the Jenkins Corporation?"

"Heartbroken! Madam Jenkins almost fainted during the press interview!"

"Will Luke Jenkins be the next chairperson of the Jenkins Corporation or not?"

"The wedding turned into a funeral. What will become of the marriage between the Jenkins and the Ainsleys?"


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