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Seriously, You Are Mine novel Chapter 373

Three days later, Leonard was convicted. The police found his fingerprint on Jessica's steering wheel. He had accidentally left it when he put Jessica in the car after strangling her.

Leonard had asked a lawyer to defendfor him.But as long as the police investigated deeply, he could finally be sentenced.

Elvis would never give up. He would have to let Leonardpay the price.

Elvis's life was suddenly in a mess. Miahad a mental illness and was admitted to a mental hospital. Mia said all day that Jessica was not dead and always wanted to go to that hospital to look for Jessica. She went out the mental hospital for several times. So they could only lock her up for the sake of her life.

Leonard had already arrested. Elvis was going to cremateJessica's body, hoping that she could rest peacefully in the heaven.

Sarah accompanied Elvis to finish Jessica's cremation. Sarah did not know how to comfort her father. Her home suddenly became so quiet.

Mia was impossible to get better. Jessica's death had stimulated her too much. Her treatmentwas a long process.She could only be locked up for the rest of her life. Due to thepsychiatric disorders, she couldn't take care of herself. She might have been in trouble more easily if she was free.

After Jessica's funeral, Sarah also postponed her wedding with Aaron. She thought that Elvis was not suitable for attending her wedding based on his current condition. The postponement was fine.

Aaron's family were also very shocked by this matter. How came this happened so quickly?

Elvis was also in a state of nervous. Aaron sent someone to take care of his company, so he could take some rest.

However, after Leonard went to jail, his company's stock once fell sharply. His family tried to save it but failed. The other shareholders also felt that they were just unlucky. At this time, one person took over the acquisition of Leonard's company.

It was Aaron. He had promised Elvis that he would acquire Leonard's corporation. It went very well.

Leonardbecamevery depressed in the police station. He was totally different. He confessed everything for a light sentence.

He felt regret for his life time and time again. He regretted abandoning Sarah, marrying Jessica, and having affair with Lara, and everything that happened later.

But in this world, there was no medicine to reset everything. It would be useless to regret it again. He was sentenced to an life imprisonment. His parents were fainted hearing this news.

They only had one son. Their family was going to be extinct.

How time flies! A year later, Elvis also recovered from Jessica's death and his wife's madness.

But he was a lot older. He couldn't handle stuff in the company, so he entrusted it to someone else. He only wanted to spend his remaining years in comfort and do some charity as much as possible, He wanted to offset the sins he had done in his past life.

He wanted to compensate and pray for his daughter and grandson. He hoped that they could be peaceful and healthy.

Even though Aaron and Sarah had not held a wedding, there was good news. Sarah was pregnant.

Aaron's parents were very happy. Chloe also looked forward to have a brother!

A luxurious wedding had already begun to be set up. It was the wedding of Aaron and Sarah. Elvis had already gone out of his grief. The wedding was organized by Ivy, because Ivy did not want to let pregnantSarahbe tired. Sarahwas very precious.

Chapter 373 1

Chapter 373 2

Chapter 373 3


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