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Shadows of the pack novel Chapter 35

The echo of Lucas' last words reverberated through Aria's mind, creating a deafening silence that engulfed her. Time seemed to come to a standstill as she struggled to process the revelation that had been thrust upon her. Her thoughts spiraled in a whirlwind of disbelief and denial, desperately clinging to the belief that Gabriel was her father. But deep down, a seed of doubt had been planted, and she couldn't ignore the nagging sense of curiosity that tugged at her.
Suddenly, a wave of reality crashed over her, jolting her back into the present moment. Aria's eyes widened, her gaze locking onto Lucas, her voice filled with an equal mix of defiance and uncertainty. "No, that's not possible. Gabriel is my father. You're lying to me." Her words wavered, betraying the flicker of doubt that had ignited within her.
Lucas approached her gently, his voice calm and persuasive. "Just think about it, Aria. Look at all the similarities between us. Gabriel had all the chance to tell my father about my plans then the night after the argument with your mother he realized he needed to get rid of me. Doesn't that make you wonder?"
Aria's heart pounded in her chest as she took a step back, her body instinctively recoiling from the weight of the revelation. "It could have been about anything. You're twisting the truth." She desperately clung to the narrative she had believed all her life, hoping that it would be enough to shield her from this newfound reality.
Lucas offered her a sympathetic smile, understanding the turmoil that raged within her. "I won't force you to believe me, Aria. But deep down, you know there's a truth to my words. We were chosen for a reason. You possess incredible potential. You and I—"
He tried to take a step towards her.
She backed away further, her voice filled with determination. "I am nothing like you. I am not evil." Her words carried a resolute conviction, a pledge to herself that she would never succumb to the darkness that lurked within her.
Lucas chuckled softly, a dark glimmer in his eyes. "The blood on your claws when I found you tells a different story. Deny it all you want, but the truth remains." He took a cautious step toward her, only to witness her retreat again. "You can fight it as long as you can, but eventually, you'll come to accept that I speak only the truth. You're just like me."
Aria's eyes narrowed, a spark of defiance igniting within her. "I am nothing like you. I will never let myself be consumed by darkness. Even if it means fighting until my last breath, I will never surrender."
Silence enveloped them as they stared at each other, locked in a battle of wills. Aria's determination held firm, refusing to waver despite the doubts that lingered in her mind. Finally, with unwavering resolve, she made her decision. "I am leaving."
Lucas smiled, his voice laced with a hint of resignation. "Go ahead then. I won't stop you." His eyes surveyed their surroundings, his voice tinged with a cryptic tone. "But do you even know where we are? It has been three weeks since the moon rose, and yet, no one has come for you. Have you ever wondered why?" His words hung heavy in the air, casting a shadow of doubt over her belief in belonging.
Aria's gaze darted around, uncertainty clouding her features. "I don't know where we are but it doesn't matter. You would have to show me the way out."
A sardonic smile played upon Lucas' lips as he leaned closer, his voice dripping with a mix of bitterness and truth. "You see, Aria, no matter how hard you try, you will never truly belong with them" Lucas remarked, his tone laced with a hint of resignation. "You will always be the most powerful wolf in the room, and yet they will never truly respect you. And if they don't respect you, they should fear you instead."
Aria shook her head, a profound sadness settling in her eyes. "I wish you could hear yourself, truly listen to the words you speak. The despair that seeps through them, the loneliness. But I am not you, and I will never be. I will never let darkness consume me. Now, show me the way out of here. It's time for me to go home."
Her wolf growled in agreement, sensing the importance of her decision. Its eyes glinted with determination, mirroring the resolve that burned within Aria's soul.
The sun had set, casting a fiery hue across the horizon. The weight of three long weeks without any sign of Aria burdened Knox's weary frame, his once piercing blue eyes now clouded with worry and exhaustion. Ryder, frustrated but understanding, tried to reason with him, to pull him back from the precipice of obsession.
Within the dimly lit confines of his study, Knox's restless wolf paced back and forth, its agitated energy almost tangible in the air. Ryder, his voice laced with concern, took a step closer to his Alpha, the flickering candlelight casting dancing shadows on their faces.
"Knox, you have to consider that it's been three weeks," Ryder began, his voice tempered but firm. "We have searched every inch of the woods, and there is no trace of her. You have been trying to find her for three weeks straight, maybe you should start considering—"
"Do not finish that sentence." Knox interrupted him. "She is alive. I can feel her and I will find her."
A heavy sigh escaped Ryder's lips, the weight of his Alpha's desperation pressing upon him. He moved closer, placing a steadying hand on Knox's tense shoulder. "I understand, Knox. I truly do. But the pack needs you now more than ever. But the wolves are already whispering about your obsession with finding her. There is a battle coming and I know how important the mating bond is but Knox, you need to prioritize."
As Knox's anger surged, his eyes transformed, a swirling abyss of darkness and fury. "Are you suggesting that my mate is not important?" he growled, his voice laced with a raw intensity that sent a shiver down Ryder's spine.
Quickly stepping back, Ryder held up his hands in a gesture of surrender, attempting to calm his Alpha's mounting rage. "No, Knox, that's not what I meant. I know how important the mating bond is and I know how important she is. We will find her. But for now, we must attend to the pressing matters at hand."
Knox's gaze flickered between Ryder and his surroundings, his emotions in a turbulent dance. Weariness washed over him, and he sank into a nearby chair, running a hand through his disheveled hair. "I know, Ryder. I know," he admitted wearily. "But my wolf is going crazy. How would you feel if Lydia was taken away from you?"
Ryder, his face etched with empathy, approached Knox cautiously, his touch gentle as he laid a reassuring hand on his Alpha's trembling shoulder. "I promise you, Knox, we will find her," Ryder said softly, his voice carrying a glimmer of hope. "But for now, we must focus on the other matters that demand our attention. The pack is worried."
Just as the tension in the room began to ease, the study door burst open, startling the occupants. Jacob entered with a slight bow of his head, his eyes filled with urgency. "Alpha, I didn't mean to interrupt. You asked me to survey the other territories. I have the report back."
Knox motioned for Jacob to enter, his weariness giving way to a sense of alertness. "It's fine, Jacob. Come in. What is the news?"
The three wolves gathered around Knox's large wooden table, the room seemingly filled with a charged energy. Jacob's voice was laden with concern as he delivered his report. "There's been no word from the Silvercrest pack, Alpha. Julian remains silent, but Nikolai has returned to his territory," Jacob relayed, his voice carrying a hint of apprehension.
"Nikolai is not a threat. What he does is of no concern to me." Knox mused aloud, his voice tinged with assurance.
Ryder folded his hand, "Maybe Julian is focusing his strengths on the impending challenge. Lucas does not sound like the type of wolf that would just seat back. He should have issued a challenge for the position by now."
 Jacob interjected, "Speaking of which, I haven't found a trace of him. It is like Lucas just disappeared into thin air."
A thoughtful silence fell over the room as the wolves contemplated the unfolding dynamics. Knox's mind, despite being consumed by thoughts of Aria, shifted gears, focusing on the present threat. The upcoming battle for leadership loomed larger with each passing day, and he knew he couldn't afford to overlook any potential alliances or hidden agendas.
"Whatever the intentions of Julian and Lucas may be," Knox spoke with renewed determination, "we must be prepared for all scenarios. Ryder, double the sentinels at our borders. We cannot afford any surprises. Our pack's safety and the ultimate goal of finding Aria must remain at the forefront of our efforts."
Ryder nodded in agreement, his gaze fixed on Knox with unwavering loyalty. "Consider it done, Alpha. We will reinforce our defenses and ensure that our pack remains secure. No one will be able to get in."
"Tyler, slow down. You know I haven't fully shifted yet. I don't have the strength of a wolf. Give me a moment," Kira pleaded, panting and struggling to keep up with Tyler's rapid pace.
"This is me moving at the lowest speed," Tyler retorted, a hint of arrogance lacing his words. "Come on, don't be lazy, Kira, or we are going to miss it."
Kira rolled her eyes, a mix of annoyance and affection evident in her expression. "Stop bragging. I know you're agile. You don't have to be so boastful. And I don't like how far we are going. Remember what happened the last time?"
Tyler halted abruptly. He turned to face her, concern etched across his features. "We're not leaving the territory, Kira. I just want you to experience the beauty of the sunset. We'll get a better view at the border. We won't get into trouble, I promise."
"Are you sure?" Kira hesitated, her voice tinged with worry. "Because Shana threatened to murder me the next time I stirred up a mess. With everything that's going on and Aria being gone..."
Tyler's gaze softened, and he reached out to comfort her. "We won't get in trouble, Kira. I'll make sure of it. And as for Aria, do you think she's still alive? It's been three weeks, and Knox seems obsessed with finding her. I don't understand why he's so eager now, especially if he rejected her before she left."
Kira sighed, her thoughts filled with uncertainty. "I don't know. The mating bond is a complicated thing. They say the pull to be with your mate drives you crazy. That's why some wolves go savage or choose death instead of being separated. Maybe if we find our mates someday, we'll understand."
Tyler growled, "Our mates?" He arched an eyebrow, directing an inquiring glare at her.
Caught off guard, Kira stumbled over her words. "I... I mean, don't you want to find your mate? Sophia told me that being mated is one of the best experiences a wolf can have."
Tyler crossed his arms, a hint of defensiveness creeping into his tone. "And how would she know that? She's never been mated, and last I checked, she didn't even like Mark."
Kira felt a pang of guilt for unintentionally striking a nerve. "Why are you being so defensive?"
Tyler sighed, realizing his overreaction. "I'm sorry. It's just... you said 'our mates' as if you wanted someone different."
Understanding dawned upon Kira, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "Oh," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "You want me to be your mate?"
"Wasn't it obvious?" Tyler's expression softened, a warm smile tugging at his lips. "I really like you."
"But you haven't known me for that long," Kira protested, her voice filled with uncertainty.
Tyler's eyes locked with hers, radiating sincerity. "It doesn't matter. Sometimes, you just know when you've found someone special."
As his hand tenderly brushed a strand of hair behind her ear, their faces drew closer, their lips inching towards each other.
"You look beautiful when you blush."
"I'm not blushing." Kira said, turning even redder.
Well, well, well, isn't this cute?" Julian taunted, his voice laced with malice. "Young love has always been my favorite entertainment."
Startled, Tyler and Kira's heads snapped in the direction of the voice, their bodies freezing in place. Julian stood there, a mocking smile playing on his lips, while an army of angry, snarling wolves loomed behind him.
Tyler's muscles tensed, his eyes narrowing at the threatening presence before them. He made a move to shift, but Julian's agility surprised them both. In a swift and calculated motion, Julian struck Tyler in three different vulnerable spots, causing him to collapse to the ground, writhing in pain.
A gasp escaped Kira's lips, her eyes widening with horror. She felt a surge of adrenaline, ready to spring into action but Julian's next words froze her in place as he turned to her, his claws extracted as his eyes flashed his wolf, "If you make any sound I will slit open your throat right here."


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