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She Became Rich After Divorce (Cheyenne and Kelvin) novel Chapter 262

Chapter 262: Kelvin, You're Heartless

The room fell silent, so quiet that you could hear each person's breath clearly. Grandfather's breathing was long and labored, while Emelia's breathing was heavier due to her emotional state. Vincent, on the other hand, breathed calmly like a still lake.

If anyone in the room didn't care about Grandfather's life or death, it would be him. The more hypocritical someone is, the more they try to show how much they care. Franklin had tears and snot running down his face and almost wiped them onto his father's hand...

While Emelia shouted that Kelvin didn't care about Grandfather, she failed to consider what a patient really needed: rest.

Vincent played the role of a mediator standing between them with a calm smile on his face and pulled back an impulsive Emelia by her arm.

"Emelia," he said calmly. "How can you talk to Kelvin like this? Kelvin rew up under Grandfather's guidance; how could he not care about Grandfather?"

As he spoke these words, there was darkness in his eyes that flashed with hidden emotions.

Emelia became even angrier and stood there pouting with crossed arms, muttering quietly, "I don't see he cares!"

She thought she muttered quietly enough for Kelvin not to hear her, but Kelvin heard every word loud and clear.

He couldn't be bothered explaining himself nor did he want others watching him like some monkey displaying its emotions for everyone else's entertainment.

At the bedside, Corey, who was Kelvin's biological father, also looked over. There was a clear expression of displeasure in his eyes, and his face, rarely cold, now wore a stern look.

"Kelvin," Corey asked coldly "aren't you going to come see your grandfather?"

Kelvin walked out of the room without looking back; his voice low and hoarse echoed through space. "No need."

"You bastard!" Corey yelled after him. "How did I give birth to such an unfeeling monster! When your mother had her accident years ago, I knew then that you were heartless!"

When his biological mother had been rendered comatose before him, most other children would have already burst into tears. But Kelvin managed to maintain his composure, instructing the doctors to expedite the hospitalization and reach a conclusion as soon as possible.

This incident had always been a sore point for Corey. From a young age, his son had been distant from him, displaying a rebellious streak seemingly ingrained in his character. Even when he was a child, he reluctantly followed his grandfather's arrangements, but as he grew older and developed his own identity, no one in the family could control him.

Taking over as the head of the Foley Group turned Kelvin's cold disposition into that of an utterly ruthless and unfeeling monster. His mind was filled with nothing but the dirty and convoluted calculations of a typical businessman.

Corey, on the other hand, had a deep appreciation for traditional values, cherishing the idea of a father's kindness and a son's filial piety. Looking at Kelvin's demeanor, he feared that when his own deathbed approached, his son wouldn't shed a single tear!

For his own kin, Kelvin was apparently less compassionate than he was for a stranger.

"Heartless?" Kelvin mused on this word, a strong undertone of irony flashing in his eyes, but quickly vanishing.

How could Corey have the nerve to bring up his mother's situation? Back then, wasn't he supposed to understand why it happened better than anyone else? Kelvin didn't say it, but he felt ashamed of it! He felt disgusted and even disdainful of himself for having such a sanctimonious father.

Corey and Kelvin started arguing, and Franklin, for once, was delighted by the spectacle. However, he made his joy a little too obvious and pretended to pat his big brother on the shoulder, offering words of comfort. "Corey, don't be too angry. Kelvin is all grown up now, and trying to discipline him further would just hurt his pride. Like Vincent, I stopped scolding him for anything after he turned eighteen. He handles things on his own."


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