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She Became Rich After Divorce (Cheyenne and Kelvin) novel Chapter 282

Chapter 282: Requesting Cheyenne to Return to Class

With the recent events settled, Cheyenne checked the time and saw it was almost 11 AM. Kate suggested treating everyone to a meal at the campus cafeteria. Mr. Owen, being an amiable senior, didn't object, and Eddie found it to be a nice experience. After graduating from the university, he had rarely eaten cafeteria food, and he was somewhat nostalgic about it.

Cheyenne, who had an absence of leave, had heard that this school's cafeteria was exceptional, but she never had the chance to have food there. Today, she eagerly accepted the opportunity.

As for Omari and Iker, those two capable young men had their own means and wouldn't starve.

Unusually, the cafeteria, which was often shunned by these rich second-generation students, was bustling today. The cafeteria manager was perplexed and wondered what was happening.

Then, he saw Principal Shepard standing at the entrance. Startled, he hastily straightened his suit and approached to greet him.

"Principal Shepard, you are indeed an approachable leader. Is there any specific instruction for today?" Teachers in Akloit College had excellent benefits, with free meals in a separate, luxurious cafeteria building. Even the chefs were top-tier.

Teaching these self-proclaimed elite-rich kids was expected to be a highly stressful job, but thanks to the excellent benefits and the generous package that included food and lodging at Akloit College, staff turnover was rare.

These school leaders rarely dined in the student cafeteria unless there was an inspection from higher authorities. The last inspection was less than half a month ago, so why was Principal Shepard here again?

This time, he had brought an elderly gentleman and two young men, none of whom looked like ordinary people.

Principal Shepard chuckled discreetly and whispered to the manager, "This is the second-largest member of the school board. Make sure the food is top-notch today. Tell the staff to keep their hands steady."

Upon learning that the elderly gentleman was one of the school board members, he started to sweat. It was no wonder Principal Shepard was being unusually gracious. This was one of the rich and influential sponsors who had a major say in the survival of the school.

"Principal Shepard, rest assured, I... I'll make sure everything is well-arranged."

Upstairs in the cafeteria had a Japanese-themed decor, elegant and serene, and the prices were considerably higher.

Soon, the tables were filled with a variety of exquisite dishes. There were king crabs, Australian lobsters, garlic-grilled oysters, and tomato fish. Cheyenne looked at the spread, and her appetite was whetted.

She jokingly remarked, "If I had known the cafeteria was this good, I wouldn't have dropped out."

"You can still come back to college now," Kate chimed in. She wouldn't mind reliving those days of going to school with Cheyenne. With Cheyenne around, even as the perennial second-best, she was quite content.


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