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She Became Rich After Divorce (Cheyenne and Kelvin) novel Chapter 303

Chapter 303: Beware of Your Head

Reece thought Kate was just playing around, and that the infatuation of a young girl would eventually lead to her parting with her senior. Little did he expect that Kate would stick with pursuing him for three years.

When Reece saw the post, an unnamed anger welled up inside him. What a lousy guy! Was he really worth Kate's three years of devotion?

More than that, he wanted to tell Kate that at her age, why did she have to have a boyfriend? And if she was going to have one, at least find someone as devoted and outstanding as he was. After all, he had seen some exceptionally handsome guys. Why settle for someone so unimpressive?

In the Zamora Villa, everything remained the same; her window was still filled with succulents, just with more varieties than before. Kate, wearing the same white floral camisole nightgown from years ago, stood in front of the window, holding a pink watering can to tend to her plants.

The slanting rays of the evening sun highlighted her figure, creating a crimson hue on her white dress. The breeze gently tousled the strands of hair falling on her shoulders.

Her slender neck and graceful shoulders formed a soft, captivating curve, and a delicate silver necklace rested on her collarbone. The pendant was shaped like Snoopy, a gift Reece had given her on her eighteenth birthday. He hadn't expected her to keep wearing it.

It was the first time Reece had seen her with that necklace, and it looked beautiful but couldn't compare to her collarbone.

He pushed open the car door and walked to her building. Cupping his hands around his mouth like a horn, he shouted upward, "Kate, you silly girl!"

Kate, in the midst of watering her plants, jumped at the sudden sound, her watering can forgotten, and leaned out of the window to look downstairs.

Reece stood on the street, wearing a black short-sleeved shirt paired with bright yellow beach shorts, his oversized baggy pants flapping loudly in the wind, and the leg hair swaying like little flags in the breeze.

Kate gave him a glare. She was already in a bad mood, and this troublesome man had to come and irritate her.

"Reece, are you looking for trouble?"

"Of course, I am. Can't stand to see you fall for a scumbag," he replied, loud enough for everyone in the neighborhood to hear.

Kate, furious, retorted, "Reece, you better disappear right now, or I swear I will strike your head!"

She selected a potted plant on her windowsill, the smallest and least favorite, not much bigger than her palm, and held it threateningly as if she might toss it down.

Reece knew she wouldn't actually throw it. Kate loved succulents too much to let even the tiniest one go. Not to mention, throwing a pot down would be quite uncivilized and didn't suit her image as a college student.

"I'm not disappearing; I just wanted to tell you that your choice of a boyfriend isn't great."

"What the heck! Is your choice of a girlfriend any better? Don't forget, it was you who called me in the middle of the night, singing 'Single and Happy.'"

"I was just fooling around, unlike you, a big dummy!"

"Shut up, you're so annoying!"

"I'm gonna talk, Kate. What do you think of me?" His hidden message was, "Would you like me to be your boyfriend?"

"You? Not a chance! Get lost!"


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