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She Became Rich After Divorce (Cheyenne and Kelvin) novel Chapter 40

Chapter 40: Mr. Foley Was Late Today

Kate, who was a bit single-minded, thought that Cheyenne was complimenting her.

Her fair round face had two blushes on it, which complemented her big round eyes and made her look innocent and lovely.

"I actually did this for the first time," she said shyly. "I just attended a training session for a charity yesterday."

"Really? You did such a good job," Cheyenne couldn't bear to discourage her and turned to Reece, sitting across from him in a chair.

"How did you get hurt?" she asked.

Reece sighed with frustration and replied, "Well... I shot an action scene last night that required some martial arts moves. The stunt double happened to be absent, so I had to do it myself."

"Who knew that my wrist dislocated after just a few moves? The director called for a break so I could wrap it up."

"But then I accidentally fell down again and hit my hand on one of the prop swords. It's made of wood but still managed to hurt me."

"Dislocated your wrist?" Cheyenne lazily stretched out her own tender hand and asked Reece to show it to her.

He obediently stretched out his injured hand.

She looked at the mummy-like bandage around his hand with pursed lips before carefully unwrapping the gauze.

It turned out that Reece's so-called injury was just a cut on his index finger, about two centimeters long and with the skin turned over.

It could be easily stitched up.

Cheyenne's eyes widened as she held his finger and applied some pressure.

"So this is your excuse for tricking me into buying you turkey?"

"Ah ah ah... Cheyenne... I'm sorry, please let go!"

It wasn't that painful at first, but Reece really felt the pain when she squeezed it like that. He raised his hand in protest. "Cheyenne, it hurts."


"Serves you right!" Kate gloated and made a face at him.

Then she complained to Cheyenne. "I told him it wasn't serious and we didn't need to bother you. But he said he wanted something to eat and we were too lazy to go out..."

Okay, Cheyenne got it now. These two foodies teamed up just to trick her. She placed the half turkey wrapped in oil paper on the table and took out a small white porcelain bottle from her bag.

This gourd-shaped bottle was custom-made for her to hold various types of medicinal powders.

Cheyenne handed the bottle to Reece. "Your wound has been treated, and this medicine will help you heal even faster. Apply it twice a day, morning and night, and don't let it touch water during that time. I guarantee that within three days, you won't even have a scar."

Upon hearing this, Reece took the small gourd bottle like a treasure and kissed it fervently. "Thank you, Cheyenne! I knew you were the one who loves me most!"

Kate also wanted one for herself but Cheyenne had no choice but to give her one too.


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