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She Became Rich After Divorce (Cheyenne and Kelvin) novel Chapter 420

Chapter 420: The Youngest Director in History

"You made a mistake? How could you possibly make a mistake at that time!"

Facing his furious questioning, the man in white glanced casually, lifted the glass in his hand, and drank it all in one gulp.

"Nothing is impossible. There were too many people around her."

At a critical moment, the blind man unexpectedly pushed her away.

He had investigated everyone around Cheyenne, and Benson was undoubtedly the blind man.

Even a normal person wouldn't be able to discover him perfectly concealed, and even Cheyenne herself didn't realize it, right?

But there were some people who, after training, could acquire a sensitive sense of danger.

However, this was something that requires years of training.

Benson was involved in the arts and spent most of his time in the music room. It was impossible for him to have such keen sense of detection.

Unless he has superpowers, senses of smell and hearing beyond normal.

"Sam, you should understand that Cheyenne must be killed now! My older brother has started suspecting me."

These past few days, he had been using his busy company schedule as an excuse and only went home late, fearing a confrontation with Kelvin.

"I know!" Sam nonchalantly said, putting the glass on the table and standing up, his long legs striding out of the private room.

Behind him, Vincent impatiently pushed the two women away, saying, "Get out!"

The two women looked at each other and dared not say anything more, quickly standing up and bowing their heads as they exited the room.


In the Lawerence Villa, Cheyenne sat barefoot on the sofa, and on the table opposite her was a document with the words "Appointment Letter" clearly imprinted.

On the other side of the sofa sat the Zamora siblings, Master Iker and Tanner on the left. All eyes were focused on Cheyenne.

Layne rubbed his tired eyes and yawned.

"Cheyenne, it's up to you whether you want to accept or not. It's just being an acting director of the hospital, what's there to be afraid of... Your grandfather is there for everything."

Iker thought she should accept as well.

Being unexpectedly involved in a murder case and yesterday's sniper incident... it undoubtedly showed the other party's intent to kill.

In this situation, Cheyenne can only protect herself by standing at a higher position. "Accept it, Miss Lawrence, you should have confidence in your medical skills."

"Yeah, Cheyenne, the acting director! You might be the youngest director in the history of Hopedale Hospital. I support you, and I even want to rely on your influence."

She sent Jonathan's bloodstained letter to Onistead, and unexpectedly received an appointment letter in return.

There was even the President's personal signature and stamp on it!

When she first opened the package, she was really shocked... After all, it's the position of a hospital director. Can it be decided so hastily?


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