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She Became Rich After Divorce (Cheyenne and Kelvin) novel Chapter 441

Chapter 441: Kind-hearted Woman

Kelvin reached out to support Rachel and asked the manager to put the 300 dollars on his tab before sternly scolding him to leave. The restaurant manager, knowing that he couldn't afford to offend these wealthy people, left quickly, full of doubts about their relationship.

Inside the private room, Rachel's muffled sobs could still be heard. It was only after Kelvin had dealt with that despicable manager that she finally recognized the tall and handsome young man in front of her as the young master she had taken care of before.

She looked at Kelvin with a mixture of surprise and joy, smiling with relief as she cried, "Master Kelvin, is it really you? This is so wonderful..."

"So many years have passed, and you have grown up so much. You're a grown man now," she said.

"I still remember when you were only four or five years old and attending kindergarten. You were already this tall... Time really flies," she continued, her tears flowing like water from a faucet.

Kelvin quickly handed her a tissue. "Rachel, don't cry. Let's sit down and talk."

Rachel nodded tearfully. She was a bit hesitant to sit in such an upscale seat. After all, she was just a dishwasher... Her clothes were stained with the kitchen's cooking smoke.

"It's okay, please sit. Chairs are meant for sitting, regardless of status or rank."

He gently pressed her down onto the seat and carefully looked at Rachel. Then, he asked in a deep voice, "Rachel, my mom told me that you went back to your hometown. Why did you stay in Akloit?"

Hearing Kelvin mention the past, Rachel burst into tears and recounted the hardships she had faced in recent years. She had taken care of Kelvin's mother and discovered accidentally that there were two corpses hidden in her art studio. She was terrified...

Rachel would never forget the crazed look on the woman in the white dress when she showed her murderous intent.

In Rachel's perception, Kelvin's mother had always been elegant and approachable. She had no education, only a few years of schooling, and she couldn't speak beautiful words of praise. But she gotta say, Kelvin's mother seemed as pure as a lotus flower, untouched by worldly affairs and should not have been associated with those terrifying and bloody things.

Yet, Rachel had seen Kelvin's mother carefully applying makeup to the lifeless body in front of the dressing table, applying lipstick and combing its hair.

It resembled the way her own daughter delightedly dressed up her Barbie doll after receiving it, full of joy.

When Kelvin's mother noticed her presence, she forced Rachel to resign on her own initiative. However, she publicly claimed that Rachel left due to family reasons. She also gave Rachel some money.

After returning to her hometown with that money, Rachel opened a grocery shop with her husband.

Her husband was a good-for-nothing, lazy man. He was tolerable when they were poor, but once their situation improved, he started having an affair and even had two children with the other woman.

As a result, he became even more contemptuous of Rachel, claiming that she used to work as a maid in a wealthy household, in other words, doing menial tasks like a servant, which embarrassed him.

The grocery shop couldn't survive.

They quickly divorced, and Rachel had to take care of their two children on her own. Her son was born with polio and couldn't walk, so he had to crawl on the ground with the help of a small stool.

Her son was five years older than Kelvin and finally got married at the age of 28. Her daughter-in-law was poor, and had some mental issues. Her parents agreed to let her go with them for a dowry of just ten thousand. Although she was considered foolish, at least she was a normal woman.

After getting married, her daughter-in-law quickly got pregnant and gave birth to a chubby grandson.


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