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She Became Rich After Divorce (Cheyenne and Kelvin) novel Chapter 474

Chapter 474: Domesticated

"Okay, okay, I won't turn around. Should I cover my eyes now?" Kelvin reached out to cover his eyes, but Cheyenne stopped him with an urgent voice, "Wait, don't close your eyes."

Hearing her impatient tone, Kelvin sighed in amusement, "So, should I look or not look?"

From the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of delicate, pearlescent skin and a fair shoulder that captivated his gaze. Cheyenne felt a chilly gaze directed at her and followed the line of sight to find Kelvin enthusiastically staring at her.

Infuriated, she glared at him, quickly covering her chest with her hands, and scolded him blushing, "Who told you to look at me? Look in the four o'clock direction."

Kelvin turned his head and saw a yellow tiger lurking in the forest. It was ready to attack, with its round, copper-toned eyes filled with a cold, bloodthirsty glare.

Neither Cheyenne nor Kelvin had fully recovered their strength, and it would undoubtedly be challenging to deal with the tiger at this moment.

After a standoff that lasted nearly a minute, Cheyenne dared not get up from the warm spring water. She couldn't feel its warmth at all.

"Cheyenne, put on your dress," Kelvin suddenly announced with his back turned.

The water rippled as Cheyenne tremblingly put on her dress. She swam towards the edge of the pool and Kelvin extended his arms, hauling her out of the water. He carried her on his shoulder and ran towards the cave.

The scenery behind them gradually faded, and Cheyenne glanced back at the tiger. Strange, why hadn't it chased after them?

"Uh... my shoes..."

At this point, only staying alive mattered.

Kelvin ignored her shouts and ran swiftly, not sparing any attention to it. He was panting heavily when he finally reached the cave.

Carefully, he placed Cheyenne on the padded ground. His body leaned gently against her delicate frame as he towered above her, admiring her exquisite and flushed face. Her eyes, still moist and clear, were like dewdrops.

The atmosphere suddenly became quiet, and Cheyenne felt embarrassed by his gaze. She turned her head, avoiding his scorching eyes.

"Kel... Mmm..."

Her breath was stolen away as Kelvin's lips pressed against her own. It was a gentle yet dominant kiss.

Their lips met, and their tongues intertwined. Gradually, she forgot about her shoes, her tightly clenched fist resting against his chest loosened, and her palm instead settled on his shoulder.

A sense of recklessness spread within her, and fortunately, Cheyenne closed her eyes, trying her best to adapt to his kiss.

"Cheyenne, you taste so sweet," Kelvin whispered in satisfaction.

Kelvin felt like he had been poisoned by her, unable to fully satisfy himself with just one kiss.

"Um, don't..."

Her rejection fell on deaf ears as Kelvin swallowed it whole, replaced instead by a more intense warmth. A fleeting smirk danced in Kelvin's deep-set eyes, signaling his victory.

According to books, women were peculiar creatures who said one thing but meant another. When they said "don't" they actually meant "do," and when they said "it doesn't matter," it actually did matter.


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