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She Became Rich After Divorce (Cheyenne and Kelvin) novel Chapter 549

Chapter 549: Die Yourself

Layne suddenly fell silent.

Jonathan shrank back, too scared to look towards the chaotic burial ground.

The wind stopped, and everything returned to calm.

A trembling voice sounded in Layne's ear, "Old man, did you ever see any ghosts passing by?"

Upon hearing this question, Layne didn't give him a friendly face, but rather snorted bitterly.

"Yes, a bunch of idiots passed by me, and when I took a look, oh! One of them was you."

Jonathan: "..."

If it weren't for being tied up now, Jonathan would fight him definitely.

"You're about to die, yet you still have the mood to argue. I really want to compliment you both for not being afraid of death!"

Just as the two were arguing, a tall man in a black and magnificent robe approached. He wore a golden, beast-faced mask.

Under the sunlight, it gleamed dazzlingly.

The man exuded a gloomy aura of death, one that could only come from long-term immersion in blood.

Ordinary people who saw him were mostly too scared to speak.

However, Jonathan still managed to be humorous.

"Hey, young man. Is that mask pure gold? It looks quite impressive. Where did you buy it? If I and this old man buy it together, can we get a buy-one-get-one-free deal?"

Old Mr. Edwards stared at the pure gold mask for a few seconds. The familiar patterns on it involuntarily reminded him of many scenes from the past. He... seemed to have seen this mask. Not somewhere else, but on his deceased daughter Selah's painting.

One time, he was painting in the yard, and Selah was grinding ink for him. Seeing his daughter so earnest, he had a sudden idea and asked her to give it a try.

She was mentally weak and hadn't received any professional or systematic training, so it was quite funny that the daughter of the renowned painter Layne could only draw at the level of a kindergartener.

Selah drew a person, and you could barely tell it was a person.

That person's face was wearing a golden mask, just like this.

He asked Selah at the time who she had drawn.

With a silly smile, she replied that she didn't know.

Layne just thought she was using her imagination to draw randomly and later forgot about this little episode.

If it weren't for now, this man standing in front of him with the exact same mask, he might never have remembered.

However, Selah grew up by his side since she was little, and he could assure that she had never stepped foot outside of Akloit.

How could she have possibly seen this mask?

It's strange to mention that copper coin Selah held before her death. Could it be related to these people? The coin is now with Cheyenne, and he must find a way to remind Cheyenne to protect it and not let anyone discover it.

These two individuals, one fearlessly sharp-tongued, and the other lost in thought! They clearly don't consider him a threat.

The man appeared to be a bit angry as he walked over, his hands firmly gripping the necks of old Mr. Edwards and Jonathan, applying pressure with his fingers.


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