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She Became Rich After Divorce (Cheyenne and Kelvin) novel Chapter 591

Chapter 591: Blackmail

Cheyenne felt disoriented as the car suddenly came to a stop. Inertia caused her body, still half asleep, to lurch forward towards the windshield. Just as it seemed she was about to collide with the glass, Benson stepped on the brakes and quickly reached out to steady her by grabbing her shoulder.

She woke up abruptly. "What's going on?"

"Cheyenne, I'm sorry. I didn't see an elderly man crossing the road suddenly. I had to brake abruptly to avoid hitting them," Benson explained.

"Are you okay?"

His concerned gaze scanned Cheyenne up and down, making sure she wasn't injured, before he let out a sigh of relief.

Cheyenne shook her head lightly and shifted her gaze to the elderly person lying on the ground in front of the car. She furrowed her brows.

"Let's go down and check on him."


The elderly man, appearing to be around sixty or seventy years old, lay on the ground. He wore a long black windcoat with a brown towel underneath. His body convulsed intermittently, and his face contorted with deep wrinkles, showing signs of pain. Foam dripped from his mouth, accompanied by agonizing moans.

His reading glasses had fallen under the car and were crushed by the tires, making it impossible to clearly see who was in front of him. He could only vaguely sense the presence of a young man and woman wearing white coats.

Onlookers, thinking that a car accident had occurred, gathered around, discussing the scene in whispers.

"Is this a car accident? Why is this person lying in front of someone's car?"

Another woman replied sarcastically, "Who knows if he's genuinely in pain or faking it? The car is still more than two meters away from him, and there's no blood on the ground."

"Maybe he's intentionally trying to extort money. Elderly people these days can be so cunning and malicious."

"We don't dare to help, and we don't dare to touch him."

Her words were met with approving applause from the crowd.

Indeed, who would dare to help an elderly person lying on the ground without money? Moreover, the young man was driving a Lamborghini, a multi-million-dollar luxury car... Maybe this elderly person specifically targeted him because he knew he had money.

Upon observing the man's expression and reactions, Cheyenne firmly refuted those assumptions in her heart.

He's not faking it.

He's having a seizure!

Just then, a deep and cold voice rang out from the crowd, catching Cheyenne's attention. She turned around and saw a tall and handsome figure quickly running towards them. The chilly wind lifted the corner of the man's suit, revealing a blue and white striped shirt underneath, accentuating his strong and slender waist.

As she looked at his face, it seemed familiar. Upon seeing Cheyenne, Hayden himself was momentarily surprised. However, his gaze was quickly drawn to his father lying on the ground, and he hurriedly reached out to pick him up.

In the instant his hand reached out, Cheyenne's cold warning voice came from above.

"He's having a seizure. I advise you not to approach him. There's a possibility that the patient might lose consciousness and bite you."

Before her words fell, a beautiful and young woman abruptly interrupted.

"Cheyenne? Is that really you?"

Despite the freezing weather, this person was dressed in a thin, bright red dress. She had a solid-colored woolen scarf draped over her shoulder, and her long hair was elegantly styled with a string of round, pristine white pearls as an accessory. Her delicately made-up face appeared slightly distorted due to her astonishment.

Upon hearing her call out her name, Cheyenne's misty eyes met the woman's gaze. Her vermilion lips slightly parted as she asked, full of questioning.


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