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She Became Rich After Divorce (Cheyenne and Kelvin) novel Chapter 617

Chapter 617: Someone Tells Me to Take Care of You

The two of them arrived in great style, but now they left in a state of timidity. Benson only calmed down his cold air after seeing Miss Walsh leave. Then he helped Cheyenne back to the room.

Amidst the pitch-black environment, a series of piercing screams echoed through, and a dim yellow light cascaded onto the cobblestone floor from the dense tree shadows. The sight of red bloodstains was harrowing.

Beside the restroom, the magnolia blossoms were in full bloom, and under the pale silver moonlight, petals tumbled from the branches. It was like a tranquil yet desolate scene, resembling the aftermath of a downpour, serene and desolate. However, it was destined to be disappointed; in this world's most wicked and filthy place, its purity and beauty were unappreciated. Its refreshing fragrance was masked by the overwhelming stench.

The disheveled woman sat on the ground, the icy touch penetrating her thin clothes, chilling her to the bone. The cold wind brought a piercing ache.

Lifting her gaze, her once beautiful face was now battered and bruised, with a trace of crimson blood at the corner of her lips.


It fell on the stone slab.

It also fell on a petal of plum blossom, the contrast of red and white drawing attention. Yet Danielle's eyes were hollow and lifeless, like a stagnant pool, devoid of any ripples.

After a while, a middle-aged man emerged from the restroom, plump like a ball, his face bearing a long scar from his forehead to his cheek, exuding a fierce and menacing aura, reminiscent of a street thug, instilling fear in onlookers.

Several scrawny men followed behind him, grinning as they passed by the woman. The scar-faced man deliberately kicked her with his foot.

With a disdainful gaze, he sneered, "Bitch! You reap what you sow. Enjoying yourself this time?"

Danielle saw them and shrank back like a mouse seeing a cat, huddling against the wall, shivering from the cold. The previously vacant eyes finally revealed a tinge of fear, a "docile" appearance that pleased them greatly.

The short-haired scrawny man licked his lips, his lecherous gaze fixed on the woman's graceful figure, and insincerely said to the scar-faced man, "Thanks, boss. Following you really pays off. Damn, I haven't tasted a woman in ages."

"Yeah, I almost thought my thing stopped working. Now give me any woman, and I'd still find her pretty," another man added.

"Speaking of that, this lady from the Parry family is truly great, with tender skin and a great figure. Much better than those whores."

"Just not slutty enough."

Suddenly, a young delinquent, around thirteen or fourteen, scratched his bald head and muttered softly.

As his words fell, it elicited hearty laughter from the others.

The scar-faced man extended his rough, oversized hand and roughly grabbed the boy's neck, chuckling maliciously.

"Little brat, for your age, you understand quite a bit."

"From now on, you follow me, and we'll have a grand time."

The boy thought the scar-faced man was going to strangle him and instinctively shrunk his neck into his collar. Unexpectedly, he praised and recruited him, a stroke of good luck indeed.

"Thank you, boss. I will definitely follow you." Scarface finally released her, and his tall, obese body squatted in front of Danielle. She shrank away from his gaze, her lips trembling, and her teeth chattering.

Her legs curled up on the ground, but this only made the blood from her wounded leg flow faster, rapidly forming a pool of blood underneath her.

The man pinched her chin with two fingers, his gaze filled with sympathy as he said, "Here, I'm in charge. If you have some sense, follow me. Maybe then I'll make things easier for you."


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