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She Became Rich After Divorce (Cheyenne and Kelvin) novel Chapter 645

Chapter 645: 99 Roses

"What did you do to her just now?"

Suddenly, Gracie heard a clear voice from the back seat, and the car slowed down.

Glancing at the handsome man sitting in the back seat through the rearview mirror, Gracie withdrew her gaze and curved her red lips into a slight smile.

"Yes, I intended to hypnotize her to inquire about the map, but I didn't expect her to wake up from my hypnosis."

"Is this the first time?"

"Yes, I have never had such a failure since I started learning."

Master Sam, upon hearing this, seemed to have anticipated it long ago. He laughed nonchalantly and even praised Cheyenne at this moment.

"I told you before, she is unique with amazing intelligence, willpower, abilities... she surpasses ordinary people in every aspect."

Gracie expressed her helplessness, "Master Sam, sarcasm is fine, but if we can't find out the location of the map, our mission will be impossible to complete."

Little did she know that he had no intention of giving up just because they couldn't obtain the map. "No rush, the game is getting more interesting. I'm looking forward to what surprises amnesiac Cheyenne can bring me."

As for the map, if they couldn't get it, it might as well be all given to Cheyenne.

With her intelligence and wit, she would surely be able to find what they were looking for.

After returning to the hotel, Cheyenne immediately went back to her room. Without even changing her clothes, she took out the small box she had obtained from the attic.

Opening it, she found a thin sheepskin map inside.

She slowly unfolded the map. It was different from the maps she had seen before. There were no directional indicators, scale ratios, or ordinary geographical labels she had learned in class.

It only had a winding line, with a peculiar black triangular symbol filled with dotted lines near the line.

There was a small flag on the map, resembling both a destination and a starting point.

Strange, twhere did she see his map before?

A series of short knocks suddenly interrupted her thoughts. A familiar male voice came from outside the door, hoarse and slightly intoxicated.

"Cheyenne, are you asleep?"

It's Benso.

Without thinking too much, Cheyenne didn't put the map away on the desktop. Instead, she got up and walked to the door, opening it.

What greeted her was a large bunch of pink roses.

The delicate petals were adorned with glistening dewdrops, and the deep green leaves indicated that they were freshly picked.

The room was filled with the fragrance of roses, and behind the flowers was the extraordinary handsome face with two rare traces of blood.

He's injured!

Cheyenne's pupils contracted, and her slender fingers lightly touched his face as she softly asked, "Benson, the blood on your face..."

"Oh, it's nothing. I must have accidentally pricked myself with a rose thorn."

He elegantly smiled, casually using the back of his hand to wipe his face.

In the instant he raised his hand, Cheyenne's gaze froze on his hand. That long and perfect hand, with distinct joints, hands suitable for playing musical instruments, was now covered in wounds and bloodstains, with faint traces of soil.

She grabbed his wrist, her eyes reddened, staring at his hand. The palm of his hand was torn, with rose thorns still embedded in the center.


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