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She Became Rich After Divorce (Cheyenne and Kelvin) novel Chapter 680

Chapter 680: True Poverty

George's heart sank, and he hurriedly stepped forward, trying to change the subject and prevent Cheyenne from mentioning the matter further.

"Alright, since you're still alive, then come back home. We won't hold your past mistakes against you. Let's start afresh and live a good life from now on."

Tsk, tsk... Now he's standing on a moral high ground, judging her.

"Not holding past mistakes against me?" Cheyenne lifted her rosy lips, a playful smile spreading across her face. Her gaze lightly glanced over, and her voice sounded lazy.

"If I remember correctly, we've already severed ties. Not holding past mistakes against me? Although you raised me all these years, you've also taken plenty of benefits from the Edwards family, haven't you?"

George's heart thumped; he inwardly exclaimed, "This is bad!"

She seemed to have discovered the truth...

Both of them spoke with hidden meanings and secrets, leaving the people around them completely puzzled.

But one could gather a bit of information from their conversation. The middle-aged man, who had gained weight, was the father of the girl before him. Their relationship didn't seem friendly, as the girl had just mentioned "severing ties."

Malaya didn't understand either. She discreetly pinched her husband's arm and tiptoed to whisper in his ear, "What did she mean? Isn't Cheyenne your child with Selah?"

At this point, George didn't need to hide it from his wife anymore. He solemnly shook his head, leaned down, and revealed the truth in her ear.

"No, she was already pregnant before she married me. Our relationship was merely a partnership. She pretended to be my wife for a few years, and in return, I gained a share of her wealth."

Selah had a beautiful appearance. With a wife appearing out of thin air and a sum of money, why wouldn't he take advantage of it?

George had agreed to Selah's request back then primarily for the money, and secondly, he harbored the intention of developing a deep bond with Selah over time.

However, his attempts to please and get closer to Selah were met with indifference. She looked at him with a proud and lofty gaze, considering him as a dispensable pawn in their nominal "marriage."

He even "cheated" on her within the marriage and brought Malaya, his secret lover, to her presence, but Selah showed no reaction. She only warned him, saying, "You can bring your lover back, but wait until I give birth to my child, and then we'll get a divorce."

George had forgotten what he felt at that time, but he could probably guess that Selah had been waiting for another man all along. Once the child was born, she would leave.

However, fate played a cruel trick. No one expected that she would have complications during childbirth and pass away just like that.

For a long time after her death, George still felt regretful for her. Such a stunning beauty... he hadn't even touched her.

Malaya also stood in a daze, realizing that she had been treating Cheyenne as a thorn in her side for over a decade, but she was wrong from the beginning. If she had known the truth earlier, she wouldn't have despised Cheyenne so much. Perhaps their relationship wouldn't have been so strained.

The commotion caught the attention of Yvonne, who declined her students' request for autographs, waving her hand apologetically and saying, "I'm sorry, I have something urgent to attend to. I'll sign for you later."

She walked towards the direction where Cheyenne was, and when her gaze fell upon the four unfamiliar faces, her brows furrowed.

"Cheyenne, what's going on here?"

"Who are they?"


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