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She Became Rich After Divorce (Cheyenne and Kelvin) novel Chapter 72

Chapter 72: She's Really Immature

Soon enough, Tanner, drenched from head to toe and holding a black checkered umbrella, walked up to Cheyenne.

As he handed her the umbrella, he couldn't help but feel speechless. It was pouring rain outside. Miss Lawrence would definitely get soaked if went goes out. Although Master Iker had trained female soldiers before who had to crawl through mud or run five kilometers in the rain, Tanner couldn't bear to treat Cheyenne like one of them. He saw her as a delicate and sweet woman.

Cheyenne knew that Iker was intentionally getting back at her by driving her away, since she required him to take the bitter medicine.

But she did it for his own good. Besides, she even gave him the candy which she herself liked to eat very much. Master Iker was being stingy indeed.

Should she take the umbrella or not?

Suddenly, there was a loud sound of pouring rain and everything became hazy with mist. The villa in front of them was shrouded in white amidst this curtain of raindrops while tree leaves were scattered all over the ground due to strong winds.


Another loud thunderclap, as if an earthquake, rang in Cheyenne's ears.

She bit her lip and reached out with a small, white hand to grab the umbrella handle.

Turning back with a smile, she said, "Thank you so much, Master Iker!"

Her skirt was blown by the gusts of wind and fluttered continuously. The woman's smile made Iker unable to help but laugh.

As she was about to walk out with the umbrella in hand, the person behind her finally spoke up. "Forget it. Wait until the rain stops before you go."

"Master Iker, I'll just accept your kindness," Cheyenne said with a smiling face, turned towards the awkward man behind her.

The latter still had a cold expression on his face. "Tanner, take Miss Lawrence to sit in the living room."


After taking Cheyenne to the living room, Tanner had to go back and change his clothes. Before leaving, he explained, "Miss Lawrence, please forgive us. Master Iker is just someone who talks tough but has a soft heart."

"I understand. Thank you," Cheyenne replied.

Soon after that, one of their servants brought her afternoon tea - terimisu and coffee.

Feeling bored, Cheyenne turned on TV. Coincidentally enough, the channel playing animation shows came up which happened be airing Peppa Pig - the most childish cartoon show ever .

Upstairs in his study room, Iker held onto a book but couldn't seem concentrate at all .

The noise from downstairs was just too loud! The voices of cartoon characters, combined with her occasional bursts of laughter, made it impossible for him to concentrate. Several times he had scowled and considered asking Tanner to kick the person out.

Glancing outside at the pouring rain, he gave up. He would just have to endure it.

Time passed and the rain continued unabated, like a flood that had burst its banks. Cheyenne couldn't take it anymore; she collapsed onto the couch and gradually fell asleep as the flickering light from the TV played across her face.

When Iker suddenly realized how quiet it was without all that noise in his ear, he found himself feeling strangely uncomfortable. That sweet laughter as a bell was actually much more pleasant than the sound of rain.

"Why isn't she laughing?"

"Tanner, could you go check if Miss Lawrence has left yet?"

It was a good day for sleeping in on rainy days. Tanner had been dozing off at the door when he suddenly heard his master's voice and jolted awake.

"I'll go check."


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