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Single Mom's Sweet Husband (Charlotte) novel Chapter 133

Upon hearing this, Madam Fuller Senior let out a cold snort. "Look! This is my grandson."

Although she seemed to reprimand him, her eyes were full of kindness.

Sheryl giggled and ran to Shane's side. She hugged his leg and said, "Daddy is greatgrandma's best grandson and the best daddy!"

Shane held the little girl in his arms, and most of the coldness in his expression faded.

"You're daddy's best baby."

"I'm so happy today. Mommy and daddy are both here." Sheryl's face was flushed, making her look extremely cute like a red apple.

Charlotte grabbed Sheryl’s hand that was hanging down and felt warmth well up in her heart.

Was this the so- called "three- member family"?

If all of this was true, how great would it be...

Charlotte immediately suppressed her thoughts. She shouldn't have had such unrealistic fantasies.

Even when the meal was ready, Charlotte did not see Raina.

Madam Fuller Senior called for everyone to gather at the table.

Charlotte couldn't help but ask, "Don't we need to wait for Aunt Raina?"

"Raina? She went out and isn't at home today, not at home today. Didn't Shane tell you about it?" Madam Fuller Senior looked meaningfully at Shane.

Shane was expressionless as he said calmly, "Let's eat."

"Oh." Charlotte looked down at her plate.

Shane was really...

It was obvious that he didn't tell her on purpose.

Shane took in Charlotte's expressions and put the food she liked onto her plate.

Charlotte looked at him, tilting her head to one side. In his deep eyes, a trace of playfulness was seen.

She chose to avert her gaze and finish the food on the plate.

After the meal.

Sheryl and Madam Fuller Senior were watching cartoons together. Charlotte wanted to watch with them, but she was rejected by the little girl.

She put her hands on her hips and said seriously, "Great- grandma said that when daddy and mommy come back, they should have a good time together. I'll be watching cartoons with great-grandma. You can go out for a stroll in the garden! The garden is so big, so take your time!"


She really wanted to ask Madam Fuller Senior what kind of stuff was she teaching Sheryl when they were not around.

She shifted her gaze to the old lady, who had squinted her eyes and was watching cartoons peacefully with great interest...

Charlotte felt that it would be better for her to not disturb Madam Fuller Senior's time with Sheryl. She asked the man beside her, "Do we go out for a walk?"

Shane looked at the old lady whose eyes were almost closed and said, "Grandma, don't teach the girl bad things."

"Sheryl, would great-grandma teach you bad things?"

"Absolutely not!" Sheryl agreed strongly with the lovely old lady.

"Who would you choose to save if your daddy and I were to fall into the water at the same time?" Madam Fuller Senior's cloudy eyes were shining like that of a child's.

"I will call mom and ask her to save both of you!"

Charlotte couldn't help but laugh and said coyly, "Grandma, please don't tease us."

Madam Fuller Senior opened her eyes and glanced at her. She waved her hand with a smile and said, "You two should go out for a walk."

"Yes." Charlotte agreed.

It was a little cold outside.

But it wasn't unbearable.

The wind blowing against her was quite comfortable.

Charlotte wrapped herself tightly in her clothes as she walked along the stone path with Shane.

Not long after Shane and Charlotte left the house, the sky darkened and clouds crowded in the sky above them.

"Great- grandma, it's going to rain outside." Sheryl was enjoying the scenery through the window while leaning against the sofa.

"Are your parents not back yet?" Grandma Fuller Senior waved her fan.

"No..." Sheryl pouted.

"What are they doing?" she thought. Even she could tell it was going to rain.

"Sometimes, adults need to get wet in the rain," Madam Fuller Senior said meaningfully.


All of a sudden, Sheryl was terrified.

"Am I going to get rained on like those plants when I grow up?"

It sounded a little scary.


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