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Single Mom's Sweet Husband (Charlotte) novel Chapter 137

Charlotte grit her teeth and summoned up her courage to reply, "She gave me a lot of information on this project, but there was nothing written about you being the person in charge."

"Hmm," Christopher said, as if he was already used to it. "You don't have to be this cautious in front of me. I'm not your direct superior."

Charlotte was too embarrassed to continue asking. Not knowing how to answer, she could only nod in awkwardly and sat down silently to eat her breakfast.

The horn in the corner of the room rang, indicating that their flight had begun to check their tickets.

After boarding the plane, Charlotte made good use of her time to read through the documents again.

This visit to the Zhuxi City was in search of a special chemical material.

She heard from Zoe that this company focused on processing granite. In the past, this area had undergone severe radiation exposure, with only machines working in the factory.

If a person came into contact with a high level of radiation for even just an instant, it would be life-threatening.

Obvious symptoms of overexposure to radiation included the appearance of dark spots on the face.

For serious cases, acute leukaemia would be a possible result.

She would be lying if she said that she wasn't scared.

But for being really terrified...

She wasn't. After all, both Shane and Christopher would be there.

After seriously jotting down notes, Charlotte placed the document aside and closed the notebook.

Four hours later, the plane landed.

A local came to pick them up and they were sent to a five- star hotel first to drop their luggage.

The negotiation group from the NC Company, who had set off from River City, had been waiting in the hotel for a long time.

An hour later, both parties arrived and a meeting began at once.

Before Charlotte could recover from the lingering motion sickness from the plane ride, she was already sitting by the negotiating table.


This was the only word that crossed her mind.

She had originally remembered all the data clearly, but she now only had a general idea.


Christopher was, after all, responsible for the project in the past. It wasn't a big problem with him providing most of the details on the project.

Furthermore, this wasn't the first negotiation, nor was it a finalizing negotiation. Charlotte did not need to perform exceptionally well.


When the meeting was halfway through, the negotiation group had provided the wrong information.

The most unacceptable part was that this mistake was pointed out by Shane. Although the other party praised Shane with a smile, he had suspended the meeting immediately and decided to continue tomorrow.

After the meeting.

Charlotte's legs went limp.

She now knew how difficult it was to discuss a contract formally.

Not to mention that she had been reading documents on the plane before, so she was still suffering from motion sickness and could not even stand well.

Christopher wanted to hold her up, but before he could reach out, Shane pulled Charlotte into his arms.

Christopher's lips quirked up in self-deprecation. He gently clenched his fist and rubbed his sore palms.

Indeed, she didn't need him, since her husband was right by her side.

Back in the hotel.

The crowd followed Shane to the conference hall booked by the NC company.

Shane took off his suit jacket and sat down in a smooth motion. He looked out of the glass wall, picked up the mug with a poker face, and took a sip of coffee.

Everyone was standing in front of him, including Charlotte and Christopher.

He placed the mug down on the desk, and the bottom of the cup clinked against the desk.

"Whoever wants to give up should just write a resignation letter and hand it over to the human resources department."

No one had the guts to speak up.

"I have fought a none battle without preparation. All of you are soldiers I am proud of."

Some of them could no longer keep a blank expression.

"How did the data even get messed up in such an important project? Huh?"

"Reporting in, Mr Fuller. Originally, Ms Watson was in charge of all of this, but due to the sudden switch to Ms Emerson, we did not have enough time to prepare."


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