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Single Mom's Sweet Husband (Charlotte) novel Chapter 151

The rescue operations lasted for half an hour, and the wounds on Rick's body had undergone simple treatment.

The police arrived at the scene and brought those who had not lost their vital signs yet back to the city to record their statements.

Charlotte's mental state was not very stable. Rick had been taking care of her the entire time.

They arrived at the police station.

Rick tried to talk to the police so that Charlotte would suffer less. Looking at the fact that she was a woman, and that she was in a trance, the police agreed to let her not provide a statement.

Charlotte sat on a plastic chair at the entrance, her mind full of the flesh and blood scattered across the road. She still remembered that there was a dismembered arm...

Her face suddenly turned pale, and she felt like retching again.

"Secretary Em... No, Miss Charlotte?" A pleasantly surprised voice rang out.

Charlotte raised her head, puzzled, and was stunned.

She saw a man in a suit and leather shoes, with a cold expression. His gaze swept across her face casually and finally fell on her injured arm.

Charlotte instinctively hid her injured arm. She stood up and tried to avoid the two of them. However, before she could even take a few steps, she fell to the ground due to her weak legs.

She closed her eyes tightly.

The expected pain did not come. She opened her eyes carefully and saw a pair of eyes that she was too familiar with.

"You're injured." His voice was still as low as ever. His attitude towards her was lukewarm, as it had been half a month ago.

How could he act as if nothing had happened at all?

Charlotte gulped. She clutched the lower part of her skirt tightly and moved her body backwards.

"I'll walk you out..."

"Lottie, we're allowed to go back."

At this moment, Rick and several policemen came out.

He didn't show much reaction when he saw Charlotte and Shane standing together. Instead, Rick naturally walked over to Charlotte and supported her, saying softly, "Anne is urging us to go back, saying that we need to examine your injuries carefully."

Charlotte felt an exceptionally cold gaze on her. She nodded stiffly and pulled back her arm Shane was holding.

"Mr Jane, there was no mistake in the international rumour this time." Shane looked down and glanced at his hand.

"I'm looking forward to a showdown in the country with you, Mr Fuller."

"There is no need to use the word 'match' if it's just you alone." He was implying that he looked down on Rick.

However, Rick's lips quirked upwards slightly. "Of course I didn't come back alone. You said you would help me, right? Lottie?"

Charlotte nodded blankly.

Shane's gaze deepened. "Mr Jane, do you trust a woman who lives off a person while helping his opponent?"

"Lives off a person while helping his opponent?" Charlotte was shocked.

"Was he talking about me?"

Charlotte raised her head immediately, "What right do you have to say that to me?"

Shane sneered with no intention of explaining. At this time, a woman dressed casually ran into the police station and hugged Shane's arm. "Brother Shane, are you all right?"

Shane raised his hand and shook his fingers, indicating that he was fine. At the same time, he pulled his arm away.

"Brother Shane." The woman acted coyly and stamped her feet lightly. When she saw Charlotte, she was stunned for a moment and finally greeted her with a smile, "Miss Charlotte, it's been a long time."

Rick felt Charlotte trembling all over beside him.

He held her with an arm and said, "Sorry, we're leaving now, and we don't want to make small talk. Please get out of the way."

"You guys..." Tiffany's eyes lit up.

She had long heard that Shane had an abnormal relationship with Charlotte. She wanted to get rid of this woman, but she didn't expect that she left the country on her own, and came back this time with a man.

"Humph, not even an average man would be able to stand the fact that his woman has someone else by her side." Tiffany thought.

"Let alone God's favored son like Shane. Charlotte couldn't be considered a threat anymore."

"This is my fiance, Rick."

There was a dead silence.

Rick looked at the petite woman beside him in shock. She was grabbing on to his arm and used up most of her strength to say this sentence.

He was so happy that even the corners of his lips couldn't help but curl up. However, he also knew that the reason why Charlotte had said this was because Shane was right in front of him.

She was using him to draw a clear line between Shane and herself.


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