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Single Mom's Sweet Husband (Charlotte) novel Chapter 191

Shane didn't notice the bloodstains between Charlotte's legs in the dark as he f*cked her.

Charlotte felt a severe pain in her lower abdomen. She knew Shane wouldn't stop so all she could do was to grit her teeth and bear with the pain.

After an unknown period of time, he suddenly lifted her waist and threw her into the backseat.

In the middle of the night, he tossed her out of the car in front of Rick's villa.

Then, he drove away.

Charlotte struggled to get up, trying not to disturb the people inside the house.

The next day.

"Oh, Lottie you're finally home?" Anne only realised Charlotte had come home after she went down for breakfast. "You are really wild when my brother isn't home!"

"..." Charlotte's felt pain throughout her whole body so she kept quiet.

Anne noticed something felt wrong and asked, "Lottie, are you okay?"

Charlotte shook her head.

"Your lips are pale. It looks like you lost a ton of blood. Do you want to go to the hospital?"

"I'm fine."

The truth was she discovered her pants were stained with blood this morning. There was even blood on her bed. But she ordered the housekeeper to keep quiet as she didn't want Anne to worry.

Anne pursed her lips and asked unhappily, "Aren't we best friends?"

'Tm really fine. It's just a little fever. It's all right, I've felt worse in the hospital."

"If you keep acting like this, you might end up being hospitalized twice..."

Charlotte didn't know what to say. "Can't you just hope for the better?"

"Forget it. Anyway, my brother will be back tomorrow. He will definitely take you to the hospital when he sees you like this."

Rick was coming home?

All of a sudden, Charlotte's heart was filled with a mix of emotions.

She took a deep breath and lowered her head to eat her breakfast. She felt as if she was chewing on wax which made her lose her appetite.

After she ate a few mouthfuls, she quickly rushed to the company.

Rick immediately headed towards Charlotte's office when he received Anne's text message.

He felt that she seemed to be in good spirits. She was wearing lipstick which made her look more refreshed so he only talked to her about work.


In the afternoon, Rick suddenly received a message from his assistant when he was in a meeting.

Charlotte had fainted during a discussion with the design department. They had already called the ambulance.

Rick immediately put down whatever he was doing and hurried over to her side.

Everyone immediately made way when they saw the president walk by.

Roxy from the design department quickly explained, "Sir, I called the ambulance at once. Ms. Emerson was sweating when she gave her speech. I asked her to take a break, but..."

"It's okay, it's not your fault." Rick picked up Lottie and gently caressed her face.

She was burning.

Then, his gaze fell on her legs where there was a faint trace of blood.

He was stunned for a moment.

He smiled bitterly at the thought of what Shane had done to her as he picked her up. "I'll wait for the ambulance, you can continue the meeting."

"Yes, sir."

Roxy sent him off.

People behind were whispering amongst themselves. Needless to say, they were speculating the relationship between Rick and Charlotte.

Although they maintained a professional relationship, there had been rumours that they were engaged but it was never confirmed.

Soon, the ambulance arrived downstairs and headed to the hospital.

It was an infection in the reproductive system that led to an acute pelvic inflammatory disease.

Charlotte had lost around 700 millilitres of blood. Normally, a body would start to turn cold at a loss of 800 millilitres and losing 1500 millilitres of blood would lead to shock.

Therefore, the reason she fainted this time was due to a septic shock.

Simple to say, someone would experience septic shock when their blood is infected by bacteria and microorganisms. If left untreated it will lead to multi-organ failure.

Charlotte was still in the operating room, but the doctor had already called Rick into the office.


The doctor slammed the documents on the table and scolded, "A woman's body is already weak during their period. It's bad enough you didn't take the necessary protection, but you only sent her to the hospital after losing so much blood. How can you call yourself her boyfriend?"


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