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Single Mom's Sweet Husband (Charlotte) novel Chapter 306

Zoe patted him on the shoulder and said, "Mr. Fuller is fine. Just now Cole was about to check on him but he heard Mr. Fuller and Lottie on the phone with Mr. Hart. They must've been investigating the truth behind this incident. That must mean he has recovered well."

"That's good." Peter choked and raised his head. "But Zoe, why can't I open my eyes?"

"You got eye meningitis. It will take some time for you to recover. You would be able to see tomorrow."


After Peter vented his emotions, he calmed down a little. He laid on the bed with his eyes closed. He even looked a little cute. But his eyes were slightly swollen so his facial features couldn't be seen clearly.

Zoe sat next to him and mixed a pack of meal replacement powder with water. Then, she fed it to him. "You can only eat these for the time being. Just endure it for a week."

"A week?" Peter cried out in surprise. He shook his head firmly. "I don't care. I'm having steak when I get out."

"The wound will get inflamed again. It will leave scars," Zoe said helplessly.

"I'm a man. Why should I be afraid of leaving a scar? What a joke," Peter snorted with disdain.

Zoe had nothing to say to this. After all, he was right.

After Peter finished eating, Zoe asked the medical staff to change his bed sheets and covers. Then, they did full-body disinfection for Peter. After they left, she asked Cole to help Peter change his bandages.

Cole was about to help Peter apply the medication so Zoe had to wait out in the corridor.

"You were really lucky this time." Cole tore apart his clothes and put the ointment on his body.

"Cole, can't you be gentler? Have some pity on me."

"Listen up. If there's ever a next time, I'll just leave you by the river and take Mr. Fuller with me even if I found you." Cole put even more pressure on him.

Peter grimaced in pain and said, "What's wrong with you? I did it for Mr. Fuller. If I didn't tear down all the veins, how could you find us?"

"So that's how you got aspergillus on your hands and eyes?"

"You'd be fine if you didn't do anything. Now you'd have to stay here for another two more days."

Peter bit her lips and said sulkily, "At the time, I was afraid no one would find us. Who would know we fell down? Mr. Fuller jumped and grabbed me on the way. We fell so deep below, what if you can't find..."

"I have a GPS, how could I not find you two?" Cole couldn't help but sigh.

"Then what took you so long?"

"Someone blocked the signal. It seems they turn off the signal after you guys fell. But even if they didn't turn it off, I've already hacked 72% of it."

"Huh, they all think that I am the most powerful hacker around Mr. Fuller. The truth is, I am nothing compared with you," Peter complained.

"No one can know we studied together. They also can't find out that I'm a hacker. Understood?"

"I understand, I understand. I'm doing this for the sake of Mr. Fuller's safety," Peter replied in a weak voice.

Cole was one of the few people Peter could rely on. After they graduated, it was Cole who tossed him an olive branch and offered him an interview at the NC Company. Then, he was promoted by Shane.

If it wasn't for Cole, perhaps he wouldn't be here right now.

Peter thought about it and his heart was filled with gratitude. "Thank you."

"Forget about what I've done. Remember we have nothing to do with each other."

Cole, who was still joking around with him before, instantly turned cold. Peter sighed, "This is our secret relationship."

Cole couldn't help but laugh. 'This brat,' he thought.

Soon, Cole finished changing Peter's bandages. He pushed open the door and walked out of the room. Then he let Zoe know about the few precautions she should take note of.

Zoe carefully jotted them down. "Cole, thank you."

"It's my job."

"I know but still, thank you," Zoe said with a smile.

Cole could only shake his head. He nodded respectfully and gestured for her to enter the room. Zoe sighed as she walked into the room. Cole was good at everything except it seemed there was an invisible wall before him.

He closed the door.

Peter turned to the door and said, "You're back."


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