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Single Mom's Sweet Husband (Charlotte) novel Chapter 33

"Sir, no problems have arisen with the Fuller Group and everything appears to be running smoothly on our side here at NC. The only thing is that the design department has been giving their all for the upcoming project and the majority of those involved have been pulling several all-nighters in a row, especially Ms. Emerson."

The door to the restaurant swung open and a man stepped in with his pair of long, slender legs. With a bag in one hand, he strode directly toward the center of the restaurant.

Cole followed closely behind, meticulously reporting about work.

In an instant, the majestic air emanating from the 6-foot man announced his presence to all the diners in the restaurant.

Shane's bitter-cold eyes softened as soon as he spotted little Sheryl, who was nestled comfortably in Charlotte's arms.

A hint of tenderness crept onto his dispassionate face.

At that exact moment, Sheryl's eyes also landed on him.

Mr. Handsome!"

Sheryl squealed with excitement and wriggled out of Charlotte’s arms. As soon as she broke free, she ran towards Shane’s as fast as her little legs could carry her.

Sheryl wrapped herself around Shane’s thigh. She raised her head and let out a cheeky little giggle.

'Mr. Handsome?’ Quickly, Charlotte and Anne’ s interest was piqued.

They exchanged an alarmed glance, then snapped their heads back toward Sheryl's direction.

'Shane Fuller?’ they both exclaimed with astonishment in their hearts.

To think that the handsome stranger whom Sheryl spoke of was Shane Fuller!

The news struck Charlotte like lightning.

"Mr. Handsome, come this way, I want you to meet Mommy. She's the prettiest mother in the world," Sheryl claimed with a proud face as she tugged at Shane to come by their table.

Sheryl's soft, tiny hand lay in Shane's large palm and seemingly melted away his usual cold self. He failed to hide his smile as Sheryl hauled him along. Watching the smile stretch across his face, Braden was stupefied.

Never once in his life had he seen this side of Shane. Shane was recognized for his unyielding, cold-hearted character, but he was now smiling, and such a gentle one at that!


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