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Single Mom's Sweet Husband (Charlotte) novel Chapter 330

"Why do you want to go back? Aren't you happy living in my house?" Peter said. "If you are afraid of wasting Mr. Fuller and Charlotte's renovations to your house, I can live in your house. It is no problem for you to live here."

"Peter..." Zoe was moved.

Her heart was not made of iron. He had helped her solve problems over and over again. Of course, she would be moved. Of course, she would rely on him. Of course, she would be willing to do everything to be with him.

Peter did not confess his love for her at this moment. He just leaned against her quietly. As long as he was with her, it did not matter if he said those words or not.

He knew that even if he didn't say anything, she could feel how he felt.

Zoe quietly leaned into Peter's embrace and felt his warmth. Her heart had never been so calm. She gradually accepted this love between them. Although Peter was much younger than her, he was very reliable.

After the meal, Peter returned to his room. He was going to watch a movie and sleep, but the door was pushed open.

He looked at the door to find Zoe standing there with a thin blanket and pillow. She didn't come in and seemed to be waiting for him to speak.

Peter turned over and got up from the bed. He stepped on the cold floor with bare feet and jogged to her side. He put her pillow beside his own, and put her blanket at the end of the bed.

He pointed to the sheets, "I have an electric blanket. Even if we share it, it won't be cold. Then, if you want, we can turn your room into an office or something."

"Peter, I have never dated before, and I don't know what it is to like a person, but I think I can probably like you." Zoe looked at Peter in front of her very seriously. She had been thinking about this decision for a long time.

She had slept with him before, but those had been extenuating circumstances. If she wasn't the one who was sick, then it was Peter. There was no romance there at all.

But now...

She knew that she was the one making the first move.

Peter did not think too much. He smiled, took her hand and pulled her to the bed. "Whether you like me or not, I like you as always. So don't worry, I will always love you."

Zoe was lying on Peter's bed, smelling everything that held his smell. Her heart was beating especially fast.

She could not help but lean against his shoulder. She put her whole body into his embrace, and curled up in it little by little.

"If my mom calls again..."

"I'll take it." Peter hugged her tightly. "Don't worry."

"It's impossible for you to stay with me all the time."

"No, I'll always be with you, ready to pick up the phone at any time," said Peter confidently. "Unless I'm dead."

"Don't talk nonsense."

Actually, he was not sure what happens after a person dies. So, if he died, as long as there was even a one- in- a- million chance, he would risk everything to come back to find her and then continue to protect her.

It was his greatest wish to stay by her side.

Zoe fell asleep in a daze. She put on some earphones and played some white noise to help her sleep.

At about nine o'clock, her phone rang again. Peter was ready to pick it up and tell the caller off. But

he looked at the screen and found that it was Charlotte who was calling. He immediately held back his curses and picked up the phone after clearing his throat.

"Ms. Emerson," he greeted her respectfully.

"Oh, it's you?" Charlotte's voice sounded unhappy.

"It sounds like you're not happy to hear from me. Have I lost favor with you?" Peter joked.

Charlotte couldn't help laughing. "No. I just have something to talk to Zoe about."

Peter switched to a video call and pointed the camera at Zoe. "As you can see, Ms. Emerson, Zoe is already asleep. You can just tell me whatever it is."

Charlotte really didn't expect that Peter and Zoe's relationship had improved so much. In a few days, the two of them were already sleeping in the same bed. That trace of dislike at the beginning had now disappeared.

Now that the two of them had such a good relationship, then it didn't matter if she told Peter.

"It's like this," Charlotte said in an unhurried manner.

After Zoe's mother called Zoe, she quickly called all her friends. Naturally, she also called her superior. At first, she complained about how unfilial Zoe was, and then she talked about how poor she was.

Of course, Charlotte played along with her. She placed her phone to the side and took a shower, but Shane heard Zoe's mother speaking.

Shane thought it was blackmail, so he called the police. The police were annoyed to see them come back after only just leaving, but they had no choice. They arrested Zoe's mother anyway.


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