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Single Mom's Sweet Husband (Charlotte) novel Chapter 353

When the old lady heard this, she shook her head and said, "Christopher can't turn back now. The only thing he can do is to fight you to the end. Neither he nor Shane would give up. I may be old but I can still see this clearly."

"Grandma, you're not old, don't speak nonsense."

"I'm not going to compare myself with Sheryl but even you are calling me grandma. I'm definitely old." The lady grabbed her hand and continued, "I know you're all very filial to me but there are many things you can't change even if you say so. Just take it from an old stubborn woman."

Charlotte suddenly didn't know how to reply. She could only remain silent.


Olive looked around Sheryl's room, she didn't even dare to fumble around. "It's really beautiful here."

"If you like it, you can ask your daddy to build you one. Uncle Avery is a very good person," Sheryl replied.

I cant.

"He is responsible for you since he adopted you. You have to let him know if you have any requests.

He would ask you if he has any requests too." "What if he doesn't want me anymore?" Olive didn't think Sheryl would understand how she felt.

Although Sheryl couldn't understand how Olive felt, she also grew up relying on people's charity. She also suffered a lot with her mother. She pursed her lips, "Are you so afraid to be abandoned by someone? The truth is, nobody would want you forever. Even if you were able to accomplish all of their expectations, they might still think you're frightening."

Olive was taken aback. All of a sudden, she realized that the girl before her was very different from other kids. Sheryl has her own way of thinking like herself.

"If I told you your mom and dad no longer wanted you, what would you do?"

Olive wouldn't have dared to ask other children this question. They would just cry and make a scene the moment they heard this question. Then, she would be scolded. In reality, she didn't have any ill intentions, she genuinely wanted to know the answer.

But those children would just cry. They would think their parents had abandoned them. She really didn't understand their logic.

"I'll go collect rubbish," Sheryl replied with her hands on her hips. "It's not like I've never picked up trash. Besides, my mommy scolded me when I did it before. If she doesn't want me, I can pick up rubbish openly."

"Is it fun... to pick up trash?" Olive asked with a smirk.

"You don't understand. The feeling of sustaining yourself is very good. Although I have everything now, it's not realistic."

Yes, it was not realistic.

Olive lowered her head and added, "But I want to have a home."

"When we were born, we grew up in our mother's belly. Therefore, no matter what, we already have a home since birth. When we die, we'll be placed in a box so it would be our home when we die." Sheryl took a lollipop and handed it to Olive as she spoke, "Here, don't be sad. Have a lollipop."

A lollipop.

Olive took it and peeled off the wrapping plastic. It tasted good, sweet and sour with a hint of strawberry flavour.

"But humans still need a home in this process of life."

"What is a home? Is it a house? Or is it that as long as a certain demand is made, it's a home?" Olive didn't know how to respond to Sheryl's question, Olive did not know how to explain it.

Sheryl also peeled off the wrapper and popped the lollipop in her mouth. "My home is with my mommy and daddy. But sometimes they are too busy to take care of me so my home is also with my granny. They all love me and I also love myself so wherever I am, it's home."

'Wherever I am, it's home,'

Olive pondered on this sentence slowly and felt it really stuck with her. She couldn't help but ask, "Why do you know so much?"

"It doesn't matter." Sheryl shrugged and answered, "Because I've experienced it."

"I thought a child like you wouldn't understand these hardships."

"We have to be flexible."

"Like a turtle."

Sheryl smiled and said, "So turtles carry their homes on their backs."


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