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Single Mom's Sweet Husband (Charlotte) novel Chapter 355

Anne and Braden were walking aimlessly in the city. Both of them were in wedding attires which attracted many people's attention.

"What do you think they are thinking when they look at us?" Anne asked him.

"I don't know. I guess they probably thought we're some sort of tragic couple. Maybe like Romeo and Juliet? A few of them followed us all the way from several streets away. Perhaps they're afraid that we'll die for love. People nowadays are so caring." Braden stopped and looked at the few people.

Those people quickly turned their heads away when they had been discovered. Braden took out a checkbook from his pocket and wrote a 20000 dollars check for each of them. "Thank you. But we're not going to do anything crazy. I won't die with her by my side. Take this money as some compensation for your time. Just think of it as the romance of some rich people."

But those folks just wanted to do some good. Naturally, they didn't care about money and didn't accept the checks.

"My conscience can't be cleared if you don't accept it," Braden placed a hand on his heart. "So just accept it, since it's not that much money anyway."

"I don't want my good intentions to be turned into money." One of them explained, "This money is not much but it's not a small amount either. If you really feel bad about it, you can treat us to a meal."

"That's fine, I happen to be hungry too."

Of course, Braden did not simply pick a restaurant. He had several restaurants under his name which served delicious food and were free.

This was also one of the reasons why he dared to cut all ties with the Collins family. With Shane by his side, he had made a lot of investments over the years but his family didn't know of it.

After a short conversation, Braden found out these people came to Brine to start a business. They didn't have a lot of money, the few of them added together would have a net worth of one million dollars. It was not really a lot in Brine but it was considered a good result for people their age.

"You don't have investors? What do you do?" Braden asked curiously.


"Oh, what a coincidence!"

Braden immediately asked if they were interested in selling the company or its shares. They hesitated for a moment, then they all looked at the man dressed in a black jacket. Obviously, he was the spokesperson for all of them.

"Yes, but all of us must be together and be the core of the company."

"Have you ever heard of Charlotte Emerson?"

"Of course, she is our role model."

"Great, do you want to meet her and talk?" Braden raised an eyebrow at them. "Oh right, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Braden Collins, this woman here is Anne Jane."

At this moment, they suddenly felt good for not being greedy earlier.

The speaker immediately stood up and bowed. "Sorry, we didn't recognize you. We didn't expect you to look so amazing after the makeup. We have seen your photos. We are truly blind to have not recognized you. I hope you won't take this to heart."

"Don't speak so formally with me." Braden snorted, "I don't like it and stop doing it. I might believe it if it was Shane you were speaking to. But you're talking to me. Take a clear look."

The man smiled and said, "Mr. Fuller is really powerful but you're not bad yourself. We have followed several of your investment projects. You're very unique. If Mr. Fuller knows how to expand the company well, then you are one who would know what young people liked. These two are not conflicting factors."

"Hey, you're pretty good at talking."

It was no longer important to eat. Braden couldn't wait to introduce these people to Lottie.

They were young men involved in logistics and their abilities sounded quite good.


If he went back to the wedding scene, he would be mocked by others.

Braden decided to exchange contact information with them and make an appointment to meet them again tomorrow. By then, it would be convenient for both Shane and Charlotte to meet them.

"Let's continue wandering the streets?" Braden turned around and wrapped his arms around Anne's shoulder after seeing the few men off.

"Let's find a place to change our clothes first."

She was right. So Braden went to a nearby clothing store. He wanted to buy some clothes for them to change into.


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