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Single Mom's Sweet Husband (Charlotte) novel Chapter 36

The journey back to Flowerbed Residence was smooth and the car traveled swiftly toward their destination.

Inside the cabin, the only sound that bounced off the windows was Shane's rhythmic typing on his keyboard.

A car ride was not an excuse for him to put aside work-related matters.

However, it was the fact that he had his head buried in his laptop that gradually loosened Charlotte up.

She had expected Shane to start bombarding her with questions she could not explain like he had the last time around.

However, Shane was visibly too preoccupied with work to speak to her at all.

Clearly, she was overthinking things.

Despite her efforts to tear her eyes off of him, Charlotte kept catching herself staring at Shane.

His Roman nose paired with his thin lips gave the illusion that his face was deftly sculpted to exude the exclusive allure he had.

Her gaze then dropped to the set of long, slender fingers tapping diligently against the keyboard.

"You play the piano, don’t you?" Charlotte blurted without so much as a second thought.

Once the words left her lips, she instantly clasped her hand over her mouth and she could feel her face heat up.

Peeping at him was one thing, but why did she expose herself?

Hearing her question, Shane glanced over at her. However, that was all there was to it. Almost immediately, he retracted his gaze and resumed clicking away on his keyboard.

It was as if nothing had happened.

Sensing that Shane was unaltered, the blood pooling in Charlotte's cheeks quelled by half. However, she could still feel her heart thumping in her chest.

In a desperate attempt to prevent a similar occurrence, she had no choice but to turn the other side and stare out the window.

It was not until half an hour later when the tedious trip finally came to an end.

The car slowed to a stop in front of Charlotte’ s residential district. Cole, who was in the passenger seat, turned around to face Shane.

"Sir, we’re here," he reported.

Hearing this, Shane returned a firm nod and shut his laptop. He turned to look at the mother- daughter pair who were sound asleep.

The silence in the cabin was interspersed with the even breathing of the two.


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