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Single Mom's Sweet Husband (Charlotte) novel Chapter 387

"We can go back first and leave them under Peter and Zoe's care," Shane suggested.

"Are we going back together? Don't you want to stay here and relax for a while?"

"There's no need."

Shane didn't care about rest at all. He was used to being busy all year round. Even when he was on vacation, he would occupy himself with books. For him, it was just a change of environment to read. There was no difference. Anything Charlotte needed, he would help.

Charlotte wanted to remind him that it was best to take a rest. But thinking that he hadn't touched his computer for the past two days and had just been reading books, she didn't mention it again.

The next day.

Sheryl plastered herself against Charlotte and Shane, reluctant to see them leave. "Greatgrandma went back, so did you. Only Olive and I are left. So when we return, you have to arrange delicious food for us and accompany us."

"I'm sorry, honey. I'll definitely spend more time with you," Charlotte said apologetically as she pulled them into her arms. "Mommy didn't think that something would go wrong with the endorser. Let's do it next time, alright?"

"It's okay, you're busy. I have Olive and Aunt Zoe. In fact, I'm not afraid of being lonely, but I will miss you."

Sheryl blinked her big eyes, a look of pure innocence.

"Alright." Charlotte gently stroked her hair and said, "Baby, when we get back, I'll bring you guys to ride a Ferris wheel, okay? Didn't you always want to ride on one?"

"No, the Ferris wheel is not fun. Olive said that it is particularly dangerous."

Charlotte wanted to praise her for being sensible. Before she could say anything, Shane spoke first, "Sheryl, do you want to live with Olive? To study with her and attend classes together?"

Olive's eyes lit up. She liked being with Sheryl, and Avery said that Sheryl would be her friend for life. But what was a friend of a lifetime? In her opinion, it's sharing fun things and good food with her. Then she would lie on her bed and read books and dream together.

This was the best friend she wanted for the rest of her life.

"I want to, but I've been living with grandma and great-grandma all the time, haven't I? So, can I stay with Olive?" Sheryl got along well with Olive these two days, so she was very eager to live with her.

"Of course, as long as you are willing," Shane replied.

Charlotte felt strange. Why did Shane suggest for Sheryl to live with Olive? Now their relationship with Avery was precarious. If someone else knew that Sheryl was under his care...

"Of course I'd like to!"

"But you can only stay at home."

Sheryl thought about it, staying at home meant not going to school. She liked kindergarten and pre- school classes, not the people, but the atmosphere.

Sheryl was conflicted. She recalled the scene of reading together with Olive two days ago. Olive liked reading and learning, so it might be fun to stay with her. Sheryl nodded resolutely and said, "Okay, I won't go out."

Seeing that the matter had been decided, Avery began to raise his concern. "Shane, before asking the children, shouldn't you ask—" However, before he could finish his words, Shane flashed him a look of anger.

Avery touched his nose and didn't dare continue. He acquiesced, "You can leave the children with me, but I won't be responsible if something happens."

"You want something bad to happen to my child?"

Avery was at a loss for words.

"Alright, stop provoking him." Charlotte smiled and said, "I know it's not easy to deal with him."

It's the first sensible sentence Avery had heard all day. He said excitedly, "Let's do this. I can help take care of the children. Please find a good tutor and a nanny. That should do it."


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