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Single Mom's Sweet Husband (Charlotte) novel Chapter 409

Kendall looked at Charlotte innocently. "If Shane treated you this way, would you still like him?"

"I don't like him right now either," Charlotte replied impatiently. "We are only together because of our child."

"I don't believe you."

"Yeah, you're right. I said this in order to comfort you," Charlotte joked.

"I've already given up a lot of things for the sake of liking Rick." Kendall moved closer to Charlotte. "Can I put my head on your shoulder?"


Kendall leaned gently against Charlotte's shoulder. She closed her eyes and her nose twitched. She said in a low voice, "I never liked anyone else before. I didn't mean to treat you guys horribly back then either. I just loved Rick and wanted to do something for him. But now that I think about it, if I had persuaded you to make peace with him at that time, I wouldn't have given up on him either..."

Charlotte patted her head gently. "I've always treated you as a willful little sister who doesn't know better. In any case, I don't have any feelings for Rick. Even if you're really trying to persuade me, I won't go back to him. You don't have to worry about me. As long as you like him, don't give up. Besides, he's already agreed to be your boyfriend. If he doesn't treat you well, you should tell him."

"But I am afraid that he might hate me."

"He doesn't like you anymore. Are you still afraid of him hating you?" Charlotte laughed.

Kendall was confused for a moment, but she nodded her head anyway.

It was like a person was afraid of snakes and got frightened by ropes. Even if they dispose of any rope they stumble upon, they will still run into more. Since there was no way to avoid this situation, it was better to throw them into a pit full of snakes. They would either learn to handle the fear or it would become even worse. Regardless, the fear was already there and there was no use in struggling against it.

Charlotte accompanied Kendall for a while before she went downstairs. Kendall thought for a moment and tried to muster up the courage to look for Rick. However, an ice-cold pair of eyes appeared in her mind...

Why was Rick, who was very gentle to everyone, so cruel to her?

Kendall couldn't figure it out, so she didn't go down and fell asleep on the sofa alone.

Not knowing how long it had been, Kendall suddenly felt that she had been picked up by someone. She struggled subconsciously and tried to escape in shock. She accidentally fell to the ground and slammed into the coffee table. It was so painful that she gritted her teeth.

"Rick!" She knew that he was the only one in the villa who would carry her this way.

"Does it hurt?" Rick came to her side and carried her again. "Don't move, I'll take you back to bed."

"If you didn't pick me up, I wouldn't have gotten hurt. What's wrong with me sleeping here? What's wrong with you? Are you sick?" Kendall glared at him. "Can you think before you act?"

Rick did not say a word as Kendall told him off. He lowered his head in silence, and the way he looked at her was a bit helpless. The way he looked at her was often very helpless.

Kendall hated the way he looked at her, so she reached out and batted him away. "Get out of my way."

"Kendall..." Rick was at a loss. "I don't know what to do. Can you teach me? Don't push me away like this." "You better stay away from me!"

Rick looked at Kendall, who used to like him. Now she ran away from him like she saw a ghost. He felt unspeakably confused and depressed. He could only sigh. He reached out his hands and slowly stepped back. "Don't worry, I won't get close to you anymore. Can you go back to sleep?"

Kendall turned around stubbornly and left.

Rick could only go downstairs.

He sat down on the sofa and took out his phone.

He stared at the screen.

Over the past few days, he had looked at this screen countless times.

Before, he heard a song with these lyrics: If I use your photo as my phone background, could I love you more?

After he had inadvertently heard these lyrics, he changed all his backgrounds to photos of Kendall. Every day, he saw Kendall when he woke up, when he was working, and before he went to bed. It was like he was hypnotizing and brainwashing himself into liking her. But if he didn't like her. There was no point trying. Habit was habit, and love was love.

Rick knew that he was thinking too much. The person who was forcing him to fall in love with her wasn't Kendall, but Rick himself. It was also because of this that they had become like this.

After a while, he heard a rustling noise.

He did not look back.


He didn't turn around until he heard that familiar voice.

He looked at Kendall in astonishment.

Kendall was staring at him with red-rimmed eyes. There were wounds all over his hands and legs. Rick's pupils contracted sharply. He immediately stood up and went to her side. "What's going on?"

"It hurts." Kendall's legs were shaking where she stood.


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